Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13, 2011

Nehemiah 3
“Your job will be to see that everyone in Kerr Hall has a chance to hear the gospel.” So spoke my CCC campus director at the beginning of my sophomore year in college. We were strategizing as to how we could take the gospel to every student at OSU. Other guys in the central action group had other responsibilities, but mine was Kerr Hall. I had three guys assigned to me who lived there. We started a Bible Study and began praying and thinking about ways to present the Gospel to every resident in the twelve-story dorm. I wish I could say that we accomplished that goal. We came close, but I don’t believe that we achieved it; although, we did saturate a couple of the floors especially the floors on which they lived.
There is a principle of leadership found here in this chapter of Nehemiah that is similar to the one we used then. Nehemiah assigned a section of the wall to those who lived next to the section. Why? Well, if your city was under attack, how strong would you want the wall next to you to be? I would want it to be the strongest in the city. I live there. I would be the most motivated to build it well and to finish it now. Nice principle of leadership, but what does it have to do with the glory of God?
Do I really desire to see the glory of God revealed in me? It is clear from the Scripture that He does. The only doubt here is, “Do I?” If I really desire that, then what am I doing to give Him permission to let His glory be revealed? It begins right where I live. I liken it to concentric spheres of my life. Concentric means, “Having a common center, as circles or spheres.” It begins at the center of my life. Is His glory the center of my private thoughts, goals, desires, and aspirations? The next sphere out is my closest family relations, spouse, children, parents, or the people with whom I live. The next sphere might be my employment. What am I praying and doing in order to enhance the glory of God in my employment? IF God has put me in a job, and for most of us He has, then I am not there just to make money. I am there to spread the glory of God by my actions in the quality of my work and by my words in how I interact with other people.
After I graduated, I and one of the guys, Marc, who lived in Kerr Hall and was in the Bible Study with me, both were hired at Mercury Marine and began attending Alliance Bible Church. We realized that we once again had common spheres of influence, our church and our employment. We covenanted together to try together make an appointment with someone from work with whom we could share the gospel. One week I would be responsible for trying to set up an appointment. The next week he would be responsible. To be honest, most of the weeks neither of us had an appointment, but some weeks we did! I remember on one occasion at work when I walked into the restroom. A fellow employee was picking himself up off of the floor. I asked him if he was all right. He said, “Yeah, I was just smoking a little too much.” (it wasn’t cigarettes) We talked shortly. I made an appointment with him. During the appointment at his apartment, Marc and I shared the gospel with him. He prayed to receive Christ with us. He began attending church with us. Within a couple of weeks, we had a layoff at the plant. He lost his job and moved out of town. I believe the glory of Jesus shone briefly in that sphere.
I think that is what the Lord wants to do. He wants His glory to shine beginning in the inner sphere of our lives, and then work its way out through the other spheres. There are other spheres than the ones which I have mentioned. They will be different for different people. But in each one the Lord wants His glory to shine. The only question that remains is, “Do I want His glory to shine there?” Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john

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