Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August 24, 2010

1 Sam 16

The Lord forever looks on the inward person of a man. As I sit in my office, our church building is being used as a polling place. Voting is and interesting process. I wish that we had a scope that could look into the hearts of our people running for office and truly reveal their heart. But even if we did, we would still have those who base their decisions on the outward appearance of a person. The 1960 TV debate between Nixon and Kennedy are considered a watershed event by political science pundits. Those who listened to the debate by radio thought that Nixon had won the debate. Those whose who viewed it by TV felt that Kennedy had won. Why the difference? Nixon did not have as good appearance on screen as did Kennedy. Man looks on the outward appearance. It is our nature. But it is God’s nature to look upon the heart. He sees in spite of our masks.

Hmmm. . . that is both comforting and challenging at the same time. I can hide nothing from Him. Whatever is my motivation, He knows it. Even when I am not sure of my own motivation, He knows it. That is challenging. When everyone else mistakes my motivation, He knows it. That is comforting. Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!

--Pastor john

1 Corinthians 7:1-16

The sex drive is a pervasive drive in humans. Contrary to what our culture would have us believe, it is more than just a physical sensation. It is tied into all levels of our being--spirit, soul and body. We tie our self esteem to it. When we give it cheaply or treat it cheaply, it wreaks havoc in our being. Yet the enemy of our souls would blind us to that, especially in the marriage relationship.

Where is the glory of Christ in this? The marriage bond ought to reflect the relationship we have with our Lord and it ought to reflect the relationship the church has with the Lord. When sexual affection is withheld from someone to whom you are not married, that is good. You are demonstrating that you are saving that affection for your spouse. It reflects as though you are purely devoted to our Lord Jesus Christ. When sexual affection is withheld from your spouse, that is bad. It reflects as though you were withholding affection from Jesus. Yet it is He who deserves all of our life's affection. When it is demanded from your spouse, it reflects as though you were demanding affection from Jesus. It is inappropriate to demand affection from anyone, much less the King of Glory.

Where is the glory of Christ in this? He can change this pervasive drive that has been warped by our own sin and our cultural decadence into a holy expression of love for our spouse. And it isn't even dependent on whether our spouse views it that way! He can make even the expression of our marital affections bring glory to Him! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!

--Pastor John

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