Monday, March 5, 2012

March 4

Psalm 63
“My soul thirsts for you.” Can I be spiritually dehydrated and not know it? Can I be physically dehydrated and not know it? Ask any Doctor if a person can be physically dehydrated and not know it, and he will probably tell you, “Of course!” It happens quite frequently. Indeed dehydration can lead to a myriad of other problems with the body which could have been avoided if the person had just kept drinking water. Sometimes we don’t recognize our thirst sensation for what it is. Other times we have trained it to search for substitutes. Whether or not I recognize my need for water, I still need water.
Like water, the glory of God is necessary for my life. As the dull headache in the back of the head is to dehydration, so spiritual thirst is to our need of God. I can find no substitutes. I can search for love in this world, but ultimately all human love fails me. His lovingkindness is better than life. I can search for all manner of things with which I might satisfy my spiritual thirst, but ultimately only He can satisfy the longings within me. I can grasp for all kinds of things to help me spiritually, but ultimately only He can pull me out of the depths of the place of the dead. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John

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