Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 27, 2010

2 Kings 8
It is common to us to relegate our Lord to activity in only a certain area. Do we not all segment our lives? Do not many have their “spiritual” area and their “secular” area. We are not unique in this. But today’s reading reveals that this is a dangerous segmentation. The people of Elisha’s day seemed to believe in territorial gods. One god was a god of one area, and another god was a god of another area. They attributed their power in battle to the strength of their god. The Syrian king had seen: 1) his general healed of leprosy by the God of Elisha, 2) his military secrets revealed to Elisha by the God of Elisha, 3) a commandos sent into Israel to arrest Elisha were blinded, captured, fed and released at the command of the God of Elisha, 4) a failed siege of Samaria when the God of Elisha placed false sensations in the senses of the complete army performing the siege, 5) the failure of his own gods to heal him of his disease. Clearly the king of Syria believed in territorial gods but now had come to see that the God of Israel was greater than his gods. So, he sends to inquire of Elisha concerning his health. God reveals that He is sovereign over all nations, not just Israel. He deposes the king of Syria as well as Judah and Israel. It was a dangerous thing for the king of Syria to assume that the God of Elisha was only God of Israel and that his god was stronger. It is a dangerous thing when we segment our Lord to one area of our lives. His glory cannot be hidden in segments. It shines in all segments. Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john

2 Timothy 1
Why would anyone be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord? When Paul wrote this, he was in jail for the last time. How would you feel if your pastor was frequently in jail for preaching the gospel? Shouldn't this glorious Lord protect His people? Shouldn't His followers be honored rather than jailed? Shouldn't such a glorious Lord not allow His followers to suffer? Not necessarily. Rather, It seems this glorious Lord sometimes chooses to empower his people to suffer through persecution. In the midst of life-even without persecution--we tend to forget the glory of Jesus. When we forget, then we tend to be ashamed. Paul reminds us of some things concerning Christ's glory.
To begin with, Christ saved us. WE honor and glorify heroes. Who is a greater hero than Jesus? Through His sacrifice He saved not just us but also more than a billion people. He has called us in a holy calling a calling which is according to His purpose. He has a purpose for you and me! Can you give purpose to anyone else? No, you cannot, but He does! He gave us grace before time began. Can you do that? He abolished death and brought immortality to light. Can you do that? Do you know anyone who can?
The next time you realize that you are ashamed of the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ, why not begin thinking about these things. How could you be ashamed of Him when you realize these things? Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John

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