Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 12

Colossians 4
We have a master in heaven. In American culture, to be a slave or sometimes even be a master, is often shrouded in negative concepts. At the mention of slavery, our minds are flooded with images of cruelty and barbarism. Additionally, we talk so much of freedom that even the slightest controls on speech, sends shivers to the core of our cultural mindset. To be a master evokes images of a maniacal masochist who delights in bringing his slaves to the lowest possible point. To be a slave evokes images of being brutally treated, given only subsistence living, never given a chance to think or decide for oneself.
We dare not think of the Lord Jesus in those terms. It is not true and demeans His glory. Yes, He is master in the following senses: He has absolute authority over every detail of our lives. He has the right to tell us what brand of toothpaste to use. He even has the right to deprive us of toothpaste. He has the right to provide filet mignon or just rice for our meal. He even has the right to withhold our meal. He has the right to give us the Biltmore Estate to live in or a shack made of sticks and mud. He even has the right to completely take away our shelter. He has the right to clothe me in a Brooks Brother's suit or clothes obtained from a church clothes closet. He even has the right to send me away naked. I could mention someone in Scripture who fulfills each of the above. Most specifically, the Lord Jesus has been in each situation.
He is a master who desires the absolute best for His subjects. Sometimes it is in the best interest of a servant to learn obedience to his master. Jesus learned obedience to His Father, even to the point of death on a cross. But that obedience was for a greater good and a greater joy. It was for the joy set before Him that Jesus endured the cross, even though He despised the shame. Our master desires nothing but the absolute best for us. Sometimes the best means seasons of pain. But He is not a maniacal masochist. He has been there before you. He knows the pain. He hurts with us. But He knows the good it produces.
Lord Jesus, once again I lift myself up to you. I relinquish everything that I view as my "rights" to You. I trust You. Master, because I believe You desire only the best for me, even in times of pain I say to You, "Lord, not my will but Your will be done." Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John

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