Monday, June 21, 2010

June 13, 2010

John 21
I have been revived.
For the first time in my life I am alive.
Since I looked into Jesus,
I found me a friend
And I'll never go back to that old way of life ever again.

So went the chorus of a song sung at a Dawson McAllister Student Conference back in the late 80's or early 90's. I tried to find the author, but I couldn't locate it on Song Select. So it must not be registered with CCLI. I've always liked the sentiment/declaration of the song. It represents a decision we all need to make. But truthfully, it doesn't happen. Even the best of us sometimes turn back to the old way of life. That certainly was true of Simon Peter, who was thought to be the boldest and most out spoken of the 12 who accompanied Jesus.
Peter had a particularly difficult time understanding the death and resurrection. He denied Jesus three times at the trial. Paul says Jesus appeared first to Peter. Now I assume that means first in time. Although, it could mean first in priority of importance. Anyway, Peter was having difficulty believing the resurrection. He disobeyed the Lord's command about going to Galilee after the crucifixion to meet Jesus there--even though it seems Jesus appeared to Peter before anyone else. The Lord had to appear to the apostles several times before they got up the gumption to leave Jerusalem for Galilee. Finally, it appears that Peter went more out of going back to the old way of living than anything else. He told the others, "I am going fishing." It was his old occupation.
Jesus had told him, "Follow me and I will make you a fisher of men." Peter left everything and followed Jesus. Where did it lead him? It led to a cross and a tomb. Even now, that the tomb was empty, Peter was having a difficult time believing that Jesus wanted him to be a fisher of men. Peter had denied Him. How could Jesus use him to catch men? Perhaps in Peter's mind there was probably no longer a call upon his life. How could Jesus love him after this? The best thing to do was to go back to the old way of life. He went fishing.
We all know the old saying, "You can't go home again." Peter went fishing all night long and caught nothing. This was the design of Jesus to remind Peter of Jesus' call upon his life. Jesus showed up after a fishless night. Suddenly they caught more fish than they could handle. He brought them back to the shore. At breakfast Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love me more than these?" He was probably pointing to the fish. At least Peter was honest. He said, "Lord, you know I am your friend." Jesus explored that and for each time that Peter had denied Him, Jesus asked concerning Peter's love and then affirmed His call upon Peter's life.
Peter went away a changed man. And on the day of Pentecost after the coming of the Holy Spirit, Peter stood in the midst of the crowd that had asked for Jesus' crucifixion and preached Jesus. That day three thousand souls trusted Jesus. Peter had become a fisher of men. Oh we know from the Apostle Paul that Peter still blew it on one occasion. But Jesus always brings us back. The old way of living can never keep its hold upon us when we have truly met Him. Because of us? No! It is all because of Him. That is part of His glory. He draws us back to Himself. Indeed our King is a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John

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