Monday, June 21, 2010

Jun3 17, 2010

Acts 3
Jesus. The power of His name can heal the lame. Yesterday I was at the body shop with Brice. The owner was standing with crutches next to a wheelchair. "What happened to you?" I asked. He recounted the story of being struck down by some auto-immune syndrome that completely paralyzed him in December. He will eventually regain 90-100% of his previous abilities but it will take a lot of time and therapy. He has lost a lot of muscle tissue and weight due to atrophy--non-use. He recounted how for six weeks he lay in a hospital bed and could only slightly move his head. His fingers began to curl from non-use.
This man at the gate called Beautiful was lame from his mother's womb and daily carried to the gate to beg. Surely, His muscles were severely atrophied. He had never learned to walk. Peter spoke the name of Jesus and the man walked. He who had never walked before not only walked but also leaped! He had the muscle mass, tone and coordination to do this immediately! What glory there is in this healing!
But, was he not there when Jesus passed by so many times before the crucifixion? Yet, Jesus never healed him then. Why did Jesus make him wait so long to be healed? Sometimes Jesus doesn't heal because he plans on glorifying Himself in some other fashion. This case was because He wanted to glorify Himself through His disciples. Think on this. Peter and John were simple fishermen, poor fishermen at that. They had given up their trade to follow Jesus. When asked for a simple alm by a beggar, they didn't have it to give. Yet, they had Jesus. They didn't have medical degrees or drugs or therapies. Yet, they had Jesus. They spoke the Name and the man was instantly healed.
The amazing event triggered a crowd. Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, took advantage of the situation and preached a sermon explaining the meaning of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. As we will see tomorrow, Peter and John were arrested for this--but not before 5,000 men repented and believed in Jesus.
For whatever reason, God does not heal as instantaneously as often as He did in those early days of the church. Yet, I have met several people who have been instantly healed. Many of you are experiencing prolonged illnesses. Why? I don't know. But this I do know, He expects us to keep our eyes on His glory, to seek His face with all that we are. In the proper time He will heal us. Focus on His glory!
What glory there is in the Name of Jesus! Indeed our King is a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John

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