Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19, 2010

Leviticus 23
This chapter briefly describes each of the seven Holy festivals given to Israel. They reflect the Glory of our Lord in that they demonstrate how He prophetically works in history with the feast days of Israel. Each feast speaks of the Messiah. Below is a simplification of the feast days and how they reflect God’s plan in the Messiah
Passover—the crucifixion and death of Messiah
Unleavened Bread—the fellowship we have with Messiah because of His death
Firstfruits—the resurrection of Messiah
Pentecost—the beginning of the church (two loaves)
Trumpets—Israel brought back into the land (future)
Great Day of Atonement—the work of Messiah upon the Cross for us
Tabernacles—the time when Israel is in the land (future)
The Firstfruits can be kind of confusing. Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary rather cryptically identifies this feast with Pentecost. Yet, that does not really capture it. Here is what The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia has this to say:
The phrase “the first of the first-fruits” (Ex23:19; 34:26; Ezk 44:30), . . . is not quite clear. . . . It may mean the first-ripe or the choicest of the first-fruits. . . . The priest waved a re’shith of corn before the Lord on the morrow after the Sabbath in the week of unleavened bread (Lev. 23: 9-11). . . . At the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) seven weeks after the offering of the sheaf, bikkurim of corn in the ear, parched with fire and bruised, were brought to the House of the Lord as a meal offering (Ex 34:22-26; Lev. 2:14-16).
So then, it was kind of a divided holiday. It began on the first Sunday following the Sabbath that fell during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. On this day new sheaves recently sprouted in the field were cut and brought to be offered as a wave offering before the Lord. This was the day that Jesus rose from the grave. Paul, as a good Pharisee recognized this. In 1 Cor 15:20-23 he is indicating more than that Jesus is the first to rise and stay risen from the dead. He is the fulfillment of the Feast of Firstfruits.
Fifty days later when grain had produced ripe heads, they were harvested and brought to the Lord. The Feast of Pentecost was to be celebrated. It was two be celebrated with two loaves of bread made with leaven. This day is the creation of the church. The Mystery is now revealed. Jew and Gentile are blended together into one body. The two loaves become one. But wait a minute! These loaves are made with leaven. Leaven is a symbol of sin. As in the parable of the tares, the Church through the centuries has had to wrestle with sin and evil in its midst. Hmmmm. . . .
The last three festivals fall in the seventh month. Seven is the number of completion. The Feasts of Trumpets and Tabernacles look to the second coming. In the mean time we have the privilege of spreading the good news of His kingdom, of His glory. Is it not amazing how He has it all planned from the foundation of the world? Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john

Luke 15:1-10
The isles stacked with goods were tall, and they were like a maze. I was less than 5 years old, and I had lost my family. We had gone shopping in the big Sears store in Ft. Wayne. When it looked hopeless, I started crying. A man saw me and asked why I was crying. Not giving him an answer he asked, "Did you lose your parents?" Nodding my head yes, he then took me over to the counter, picked up a microphone, flipped a switch and then said, "Will the parents of the little boy wearing . . . please come to the . . . counter." Within seconds my oldest brother came around the end of the isle. He was laughing. Man it was good to see him!
Jesus rejoices over us when we who were lost find Him again. The illustration I just gave really doesn't fit because in it I was the one who was lost. It describes my joy. Jesus is emphasizing the joy of heaven when we repent. The glory of Jesus is His joy when we repent. It is greater than even our own joy when we have finally accomplished repentance. Think of the joy you felt when you first found Jesus or perhaps you felt when you came back to Him after having gone astray for a while. Remember this, "His joy was even greater!" He loves you that much! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john

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