Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 14, 2010

Leviticus 18
Various sexual perversions and sins are addressed here. God’s people are to reflect His glory. If we are caught up in sexual perversion, we mar the image of His glory. The practices that are mentioned here are things that were practiced in Egypt and in the countries in which God was removing the people to give the land to Israel. Notice that verses 24 & 25 specifically state that it was because of these practices that God was removing them from the land. In general the practices included: various forms of incest, sexual impurity, child sacrifice, homosexuality, and bestiality. His glory is not found in these practices. Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john

Luke 12:32-59
Wal*Mart once had a bunch of shopping baskets lined up in the isle near the cash registers. They were full of clearance items. One basket had a bunch of toys marked $3.00. My first thought was, "I'd bet Liam might like something in there." My eyes landed on a Fantastic Four toy. My thought was, "Surely that toy is not $3.00!" I picked it up and took it over to the scanner. Sure enough, if it was $3.00, it hadn't made it into the computer yet. The computer price was more than I was willing to pay out of my budget. I was born with a sin nature, yet I desire to give things to my children. I enjoy making them happy. But I also am constrained by wise use of the money that God has given me over which He has made me a steward and by what is good for them. I put the toy back.
Jesus says that the Father desires to give us the Kingdom. He takes pleasure in it! He is absolutely good. Then why don't we have the entire kingdom right now? He is constrained only by His own goodness and by what is good for us. After Jesus says that the Father takes pleasure in giving to us the kingdom, He launches into a variety of things in which we are given responsibility. Do you suppose there is a connection between the Father's good pleasure to give us the kingdom, what is good for us and the responsibilities He lays upon us?
My three oldest children are in their twenties. I never gave any of them a car when they were living at home. Part of the reason was that I simply could not afford it. But then, my parents never gave me a car either. I remember buying my first car. It cost me something. I didn't take it lightly. I learned responsibility for taking care of it. I had it three months, and then it died. I sold it to a junk yard. I had acquaintances in high school whose parents gave them everything. One of them had a parent who gave him a brand new Z-28 for high school graduation. He wrecked in a high speed race within a year. I guess that he didn't know how to use it wisely. It really didn't mean anything to Him. It didn't cost him anything. If I had been able, I probably would never have given my children a car, when they were in their teens. They needed to learn some responsibility first. I am constrained not only by my lack of ability but also by my goodness and by what is good for them.
It is the pleasure of the Father and Jesus to give us the kingdom. They are constrained only by their goodness and what is good for us. What are the responsibilities that we have? First, we are to learn the inestimable value of the eternal kingdom by investing what we cannot keep of this earthly kingdom for the eternal kingdom. You will learn the value of the eternal kingdom and receive of that kingdom in direct proportion to what you are willing to invest right now. So many people make such an issue out of tithing. It is like they are tied to some magical percentage of 10%. It is like they have the mindset, "How much of this earthly kingdom can I keep for myself?" If we really understand this principle, our mindset is, "How much of this earthly kingdom, which I am going to lose anyway, can I invest in the eternal kingdom, which I will never lose? How much can I give away?"
Second, we are to be looking for the second coming of Jesus. If I really believe He is returning, I will be working to hasten His return. I will be seeking to build His kingdom now as opposed to just enjoying the kingdom of this earth.
Third, I will understand that building His kingdom will bring opposition from those who desire to build an earthly kingdom, perhaps even within your own family unit. We should always strive to be at peace with people but never at the cost of turning from Jesus.
This is the glory of Jesus. It is His pleasure and the Father's pleasure to give us the kingdom. But our ability to receive the eternal kingdom is in direct proportion to our focus upon Him. How much of His glory can we really see? Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John

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