Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14

Zephaniah 3
Some years ago Laura’s mother was nearing her death. She was in the ICU at the hospital. That morning I read in my quiet time Zephaniah 1-3. I was struck by the iniquity of Judah and the promised judgment of the Lord, but then the Lord shifts gears and talks about how he would bring Judah back into the land in belief. Verse 17 says, “ The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” That concept of the Lord of the Universe singing over us is really amazing to me. What tenderness, what love, what compassion is expressed in that act! I spent much time meditating on the fact that the God of the Universe would rejoice and sing over us. Later in the morning we went to visit Laura’s mother at the hospital.
As we sat there quietly next to her bed, Mrs. Mummery commented to Laura, “That is beautiful music you are singing; did John write it?”
Laura responded, “Mom, we are not singing. What do you hear?”
“Oh it is beautiful music! Did John write it?”
“Mom, tell me about the music you hear.”
“Oh it is beautiful! It is all about Jesus and God. Did John write it?”
Mrs. Mummery had never heard any of the songs I have written, nor am I aware that she knew if I had ever written a song. It was one of those rare moments where God clearly had spoken. I pulled out the Gideon Bible found in the hospital room and explained what I had read that morning and then read Zephaniah 3:17. Laura and I needed that encouragement from the Lord. Later that afternoon Mrs. Mummery stepped into eternity with the God of the Universe singing over her. Isn’t He incredible? Indeed, we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john

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