Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 7

Ezekiel 37
Bones, they can tell us a lot about how a person lived and died. But we cannot, as of yet, bring them back to life. Archaeologists sort through the trash piles of ancient civilizations finding artifacts, foundations, walls and even bones. They interpret what they find, and bring us all kinds of theories about the civilization which has disappeared. But for all their brilliant investigation, they can never bring the civilization back to life. What happened to the ancient people of Stonehenge, the Great Pyramids, Machu Picchu, Angkor Wat and countless other civilizations? We study the stones and bones of them, but unless we have direct writings of the people who lived in them, the explanations of their lives are mere conjecture. Of those civilizations which completely vanished such as Stonehenge or Ebla or others, could their national unity be reconstructed? Certainly their descendents, if they exist, could be traced by God, but we know nothing of them.
Now take Israel, she was destroyed in the days of Ezekiel. She never was completely sovereign as a nation again. The Lord brought her back to the land, but she was always under the thumb of some other ruler, Persia, Greece or Rome. Then in 70 A.D. she was completely wasted and removed. Never did she regain any sovereignty. Unlike other ancient civilizations, her people never lost their identity even though they had lost their homeland. Scattered throughout the world, her people remained unique and identifiable. Could such a people be brought back and made to live again? Our glorious Lord told Ezekiel that it would indeed happen. Could it be that the formation of Israel in 1948, 1878 years after her demolition, be the beginning of the fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy? It might be. One thing is certain it is certainly unheard of. Our God can re-attach dry bones, put muscle organs, skin and hair on them and breathe the breath of life into it.
If He can do that for Israel, what can He do for me and you? Lord make me live again. I mean truly live the life that You have designed for me to live. Let me not be satisfied with anymore half-hearted living! Let me not settle for anything less! Indeed, we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john

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