Tuesday, November 23, 2010

November 21

James 3
Jesus is able to use His tongue rightly. That is part of His glory. The press used to love to jump on President Bush because of his misspeaks. They love to denigrate and belittle him over the slip of the tongue. Some of their clamor is because Mr. Bush did slip with the tongue. Most of it is just political maneuvering. The religious leaders for Jesus' day were the same way. They looked for ways to trip Him in His speech. Yet, they never found it.
The masses marveled at the way He taught. He taught as one having authority, not as the scribes. Once the leaders sent soldiers to arrest Him, having come back empty handed, the leaders asked, "Why didn't you arrest Him?" Their honest reply was, "No man ever spoke like He did." When He was before the leaders in His trials, He controlled the conversation. His tongue is as a sharp sword cutting in between fantasy and reality. His words are true and just. They promote holiness and love. They divide only when men and women cling to their self-righteousness. They condemn only when He is rejected. They bring a sword only when the holiness of God is called into question. They are pure. His words seek to gently bring peace by revealing holiness and sin and then offering mercy and grace. Those who have received that mercy from His lips seek first to extend it to others, because they have come to see the greatness of His glory. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John

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