Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 15, 2010

2 Samuel 11

“The thing that David had done displeased the Lord.” If a common person had committed what David had done, they would have been stoned to death. Stoning would have been the penalty for either adultery or murder. When Saul refused to kill Agag and the livestock of the Amalekites, God tore the kingdom away from him and gave it to David. By my standard it would seem that adultery and murder were far worse crimes than what Saul did. But he doesn’t tear the kingdom away from David. Does God have a double standard? As we will see in tomorrow’s reading, David still had consequences to his sins. One thing that I take away from this is that as believers our sins are under the blood of the Lord Jesus. The eternal penalty of eternal death is paid for. However, although the just penalty is paid, there are still consequences to our sin that we can never escape in the temporal world. Saul’s consequence was that the kingdom was torn away from his family line. How do you execute justice upon the one in charge of carrying out justice? Ultimately, the king was in charge of carrying out justice in the country. What would be the consequences of David’s sin? We will find out in the next chapter, but for now, remember that the God of glory does not let sin slip by. Yes, the eternal penalty is paid for and applied to believers. However, the temporal consequences often remain. That is part of His glory. Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!

--Pastor john

2 Corinthians 8

What is it about Jesus that makes people want to give themselves to Him? It is His glory. What is it about His glory? He was infinitely rich, constantly adored in heaven. Yet, for me, for us, He left those riches and became man. He was poor. He was despised. He was rejected. He was crucified for our sin. He became our sin. He died, forsaken by the Father. Yet, He rose again and defeated sin and death and offers to us His riches, if we trust Him. What grace! Such glorious grace compels me to give Him all! When others have need, we give, because of and for His glory! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!

--Pastor John

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