Deuteronomy 28
I was born in 1955 shortly after the call to an end of hostilities in Korea. Growing up, I thought of Korea as a small impoverished nation. In the 1970’s I began to learn of a revival that was sweeping Korea. In 1977 a friend of mine visited Seoul in order to be part of EXPLO ’77 organized by Campus Crusade for Christ. Over one million people attended the event. It was believed at the time to be the largest gathering of Christians that the world had ever seen. Today South Korea sends a high percentage of her believers throughout the world. The largest single church in the world is in Seoul. When I think of South Korea, I think of Christians with a zeal for the Lord, a commitment to prayer and a willingness to sacrifice for the Gospel. It is interesting that along with this rise of spirituality in South Korea that there has also come a rise in economic prosperity. I no longer think of South Korea as a small impoverished nation. It is economically affluent, intellectually advanced and a leader in the world. Indeed, today I am teaching at Mongolian International University. MIU is here at the request of the Mongolian government, but it exists because of the help of South Korea-her churches in particular.
We remember from yesterday’s reading that justice that was revealed on Mount Ebal. Flowing down from the justice pronounced on Mount Ebal to the valley before Mt. Gerazim, the Lord instructed an altar to be built. The only remedy for the transgression of justice is death, hence the altar. In today’s passage we read of the blessings that God would pronounce upon the nation if they obeyed. Flowing out of justice through sacrifice, blessing is received in God’s mercy as the result of obedience. Is it not interesting that prosperity of many kinds was promised to Israel after justice was satisfied and obedience was secured? Is it not interesting that the history of the USA follows roughly the same path? Is it not also interesting that as the USA has turned her back upon the Lord, and Christians have spent more of their income and time upon themselves that the USA has begun to decline? Is it not interesting that as South Korea began to turn to the Lord that she also began to increase in other ways? Is it not interesting that China who sought to destroy Christianity in her borders in the 50’s and 60’s found a dramatic increase in the growth of the church. Of her one billion+ population it is estimated that over one hundred million name the name of Christ. Is it not interesting that China in recent years has also begun to prosper. It is her prosperity that has caused her to begin to buy up metals driving up the price of metals worldwide. Is it any coincidence that her rise in prosperity corresponds to a rise in her people turning to Jesus as Lord and Savior? It is the Chinese house church that has committed herself to completing the great commission by taking the Gospel back to Jerusalem along the Silk Road.
It is the principle of Deuteronomy 27 & 28 that the Lord desires to bless His people when his justice is satisfied and obedience procured. But beware; in that blessing we become selfish thinking that we are the source of the blessing and we spend it upon ourselves. The result is that we turn from the Lord to the blessing. When we do that, cursing is just down the road. Yes, He is a God of justice, mercy and grace. We can never leave out just one. Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john
Acts 7:1-21
Stephen begins his defense before the council. As we will see when he finishes the defense, it is really more of an offense. Why? They have missed the glory of God, and Stephen wants to make sure they understand the glory of God in the flow of Biblical history. It was the God of Glory who called Abraham apart and gave him the promise that in his seed all the nations of the earth would be blessed. That seed is Jesus! It was the God of Glory who worked in all the circumstances of Joseph resulting in the salvation of Israel's family and their move to Egypt. Joseph is a type of Jesus! It was the God of Glory who arranged for the daughter of Pharaoh to rescue Moses from the river and allowed Moses to grow up in Pharaoh's court. Moses received much needed training in Pharaoh's court that equipped him to be God's deliverer. Jesus is God's ultimate deliverer. He is our King of Glory! He is the promised seed of Abraham who blesses all ethnic groups. Like Joseph, He is the patient One who endured the humility of becoming human and the agonies of becoming sin on our behalf that He might bear the eternal justice of God and rescue us from the penalty and power of sin. He is a deliverer of the magnitude that Moses could only be a small foreshadowing. This is the glory of our King. Indeed our King is a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
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