Monday, June 7, 2010

July 5, 2010

John 15
"Apart from Me you can do nothing." The skeptic would scoff at that statement. But think on it just a while. What has man been able to accomplish in his 6,000 years of recorded history? We have the internet and wonders of medical science. We've traveled to the moon. Skyscrapers line the skylines of a multitude of cities. The technologies for our amusements abound. Would you call all of this, nothing?
In response consider this. Man's technologies, in spite of all its good, still display the evil machinations of man's heart. The internet continues to isolate some, as they engage in "vbloging" as a substitute for real relationships. And pornography continues to enslave many. It has been estimated that upwards to 50% of men are addicted to porn on the internet. For all its good, medical science advancements still have not prevented the misuse of medicine for the harm of others as is evidenced in abortion and euthanasia. While the space race produced technology that I love and appreciate, it has also produced technologies that allow us to kill more efficiently. We have the ability and weapons produced to kill the inhabitants of the earth many times over. Even skyscrapers have become a possible tool of mass murder.
In the midst of this evidence Jesus says, "Abide in Me. . . Apart from Me you can do nothing." Yes technology and science have improved, but the human heart and conscience have not. Jesus can take the most evil of hearts, and if he or she will abide in Him, He can replace it with His own character, or as He puts it, fruit. In spite of all our great technologies, still He remains as the only one who can change the heart. Only He can truly replace hate with love, depression with joy, inner turmoil with peace, wishes on demand with patience, curtness with kindness, evil with good, infidelity with faithfulness, roughness with gentleness, unrestrained behavior with self-control.
When He changes people, those are the changes He makes. Now that's glory! He calls us to abide in Him so that He can make those changes and glorify God! Do you want those kind of changes? He wants to glorify Himself in you! What a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John

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