Monday, June 7, 2010

June 1, 2010

John 12:27-50
In John 12 Jesus is speaking to the people and tells them that if He is lifted up (crucified) from the earth He will draw all people to Himself. The people were confused. They had heard that the Messiah would reign forever. They asked how He could say such a thing. His reply was that they would have the Light (Jesus) for just a little while longer and that they should walk in the light lest the darkness over take them. John says they did not believe. Then John says that this was the fulfillment of Is. 53:1 and Is 6:9,10. Then in John 12:41 John says a curious thing: "These things Isaiah said when he saw His glory and spoke of Him." John is speaking of Isaiah 6:1-10. When John saw the glory of Yahweh, He was seeing the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. When Isaiah saw Jesus' glory, he felt as though he was coming apart at the seams. He realized his uncleanness. Seeing the glory of Jesus causes us to see His holiness. Seeing His holiness causes us to see our uncleanness. Seeing our uncleanness causes us to either reject Jesus or receive His cleansing provided by His cross. If we reject Him, the light goes out. We continue walking in darkness completely unaware of our wretched condition. If we receive Him, the light blazes. His blood cleanses us from all sin. The Lord Jesus is indeed glorious. Speak His glory to someone else today.
--Pastor John

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