My wife is one of 6 daughters plus 2 sons born to her parents. I had/have wonderful in-laws. Unfortunately her parents have passed away. My wife received the appropriate portion of the inheritance of her Father’s estate. The inheritance has made life much more comfortable for us now. While it was a generous amount, we would give it all back just to have them. Nothing would beat the relationship we had with them. More than one hundred and fifty years ago, she might not have received anything from her father’s estate. But laws and understanding of rights change.
“The Bible is so sexist!” I have occasionally heard the accusation, perhaps you have too. Every time I hear it I am forced to ask, “What is your definition of sexist and to what standard are you comparing it?” In my opinion, the Bible has done more to elevate, appreciate and value women than any other book. In the practical distribution of the inheritance of land, it would appear that women were left out. But then if one considered the practical problems of dividing the land among many siblings, it might not be so much sexist as having an identifiable way of fairly distributing land. If one had 12 children, six boys and six girls, who each inherit one twelfth of the land and they each marry, and their spouses each inherit land from their in laws, the new couples will now have two plots of land from different families that will be separated by some distance. It will now be more difficult to manage the land because of the geographic separation. But if the culture had one standard by which the land was passed on to say only the males, then the plots of land would remain larger and more easily managed without buying and selling them. The society as a whole would remain better off. But the problem with making a rule by example is that not everyone fits the example.
Consequently it would appear that the women were getting the wrong end of the deal. Indeed, in the case of the daughters of Zelophehad, it was wrong that they should not receive an inheritance. The case was brought to the LORD. His rule was that they indeed should receive an inheritance, but that the inheritance should stay within the tribe. It would seem that the rule which some could charge as sexist really had more to do with a practical distribution of land from generation to generation in order to retain tribal distinctions, than it had to do with sexism. Certainly it discriminated against females, but that is missing the larger point.
So what does any of this have to do with the glory of the LORD? We receive an inheritance from the Lord. What is it? It is salvation, the forgiveness of sin, a blessing, being named a child of God, a kingdom, a new nature, holiness. The list could go on and on, but it could all be summed up in this—eternal life. What is eternal life? It is to know Him, to enjoy Him forever, beginning now. It passes through family lines. You must be His child to receive it. It is free by virtue of being His child. How about that! The Creator of the Universe desires to bring us into His family! No one is excluded by virtue of sex or ethnicity. He desires that all should come to Him to receive Him, but He insists that we must come. What is better yet is that it is the relationship which we receive, not just the goods. In His economy the goods come with the relationship. And oh, the relationship is so good! Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john
Most of the believers in the Lord Jesus Christ (at least the ones I know) were quite dismayed the morning after the election. Obama is antithetical to biblical mores in many areas. He is solidly pro-abortion, even to the extent of legally protecting the laws permitting doctors to kill a child who survives a late term abortion. He supports the enactment of more laws and proclamation promoting the redefinition of marriage and protecting the rights of gender confused people. During his first administration, the national debt has doubled. It appears it will double again soon. Clearly the Scripture states, “The borrower becomes the lender’s slave.” Our grandchildren are being enslaved. He has snubbed his nose at the head of state Benjamin Natanyahu. The word of the Lord clearly states concerning the descendants of Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.” So, many people, whom I know, were very dismayed by the election returns.
But you know what? We shouldn’t be. Our hope is not in a political leader, as verse 3 says, “Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help.” Ultimately our King is not of this world. Our help is from the Creator of the Universe. He made everything. He is truth. He executes justice and gives food to the hungry. He sets the prisoner free, opens blind eyes, watches over strangers, and relieves the fatherless and widow. Obama will only last a couple more years, but Jesus will one day return, and when He does, His reign will last forever. Now that is glory! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john
What am I to do? I have shown myself wholly falling short of righteousness. The promise of entering into peace upon death is given only to the righteous. To everyone else, He compares them to the idolater who seeks after other gods. He accuses them of being inflamed with gods under every green tree. He compares us to having made love to another god. Yet, if I am honest with myself, He is right. I have sought other gods. I have been spiritually unfaithful. He makes the clear point that for such a person there is no peace, no rest for the wicked.
In the midst of my problem, He makes a provision. He declares, “Peace, peace to him who is far off and to him who is near,” Says the LORD, “And I will heal him.” To which person, who falls short of righteousness, does He make this promise? It is to the contrite and humble.
For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, With him who has a contrite and humble spirit, To revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the heart of the contrite ones. For I will not contend forever, Nor will I always be angry.This is His glory! Though I have repeatedly committed spiritual adultery, when true repentance comes and I humble myself before Him, He forgives; He revives; He restores. He does it through the death, burial and resurrection of His Son, Jesus. How can I not come to Him, when He has so freely forgiven and healed me? Lord Jesus, thank you for Your forgiveness, Your healing, Your restoration. You are so wonderful! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john
P.S. In this chapter the Lord, speaking through Isaiah, condemns those who worship Molech, particularly by sacrificing their children to him. Ahaz probably allowed this practice, although not actually participating in it. Manasseh participated in this practice. (Manasseh was the son of Hezekiah, who was the last king under whom Isaiah prophesied.} While Isaiah may not be directly naming him, certainly through addressing the sin in general as a nation, he is addressing Manasseh (as the heir to the throne) as well as apostates living within the nation. Jewish tradition tells us that Manasseh had Isaiah sawn in half (probably the reference in Hebrews 11:27). I suspect that this prophecy led to Isaiah’s martyrdom by Manasseh shortly after Hezekiah’s (Manasseh’s father) death. Isaiah entered into peace (57:1-2), but for the wicked, there is no peace (57:21).
In our nation Mr. Obama is not unlike Ahaz, he certainly protects the rights of the immoral to practice their immorality, even demanding that we not call it immorality and support it through providing health care plans to pay for it. I suspect that under the next president the pendulum will swing to someone more moderate (like Hezekiah) than Mr. Obama. Then after his reign, the pendulum will swing back to someone more radical (like Manasseh) than Mr. Obama. Under that person we can probably expect increased political persecution. In the midst of it we should remember, the righteous will enter into peace upon their death; however, there is no peace for the wicked. Now a true revival in our nation could change the political direction of our country, but honestly I do not see it happening-though I truly desire it to happen.
JOHN 10:1-21
Man, talk about switching gears in the middle of a conversation and using mixed metaphors! One moment Jesus is talking about light and sight, and the next moment He is talking about sheep and shepherds. That is just like the Lord. There is so much about Him that it spins the mind to keep up with Him. Those who step into His light and permit their sin to be burned away, He calls His sheep. He is the doorkeeper into the sheepfold. He is the shepherd. We are His property. He seeks to bring us abundant life. He knows us intimately. He lays down His life for us. He picks His life up again. Now that is power!
Everything that humans desire can be found in Him. We desire wealth. As the shepherd, He owns it all. We desire health. As the shepherd, He knows how to heal us. We desire life. As the Eternal shepherd, He both lays down His life and picks it up again and does the same for us. We desire intimacy with others. As the shepherd, He knows us and gives us the ability to come to know Him. We desire food. As the shepherd, He leads us through the dry land to green pastures. We desire security. As the shepherd, when we stay next to Him He protects us from our enemies. We desire power. As the shepherd, He has the power to raise us from the dead. Our last enemy that He will defeat is death. I cannot think of any greater power than to be able to raise a sinner from the dead--pure and undefiled.
I am sixty years old now. I can truly say that He is faithful in providing what I need. He is indeed the Good Shepherd. That is glory! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John
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