“As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of man be lifted up." Such were the words of Jesus as recorded in John 3:14. Following shortly thereafter are the most memorized words of the Bible, John 3:16. When we had grumbled and complained about the magnificent provision of the Lord, the Lord permitted that old serpent, the devil, to bite us. We were dead and dying in our own trespasses and sins. In the midst of our despair, the Lord sent Jesus to become sin on our behalf. Hanging on the pole (cross), He died in our place. We have only to look (trust in) to Him, and instantly we are healed. Now that is glory on His part!
I verse 16-18 they move on to a place which later receives the name of Beer (which means ‘well’). Water was a continuous problem as they moved through the desert. Normally they grumbled when water was a problem. Perhaps the experience of the Glory of the Lord in their healing from the snake bites is still fresh in their minds. This is the only place where we read of them spontaneously breaking into a song of praise when the Lord gave them water. May my life become a spontaneous song of praise to Him as He demonstrates His provision!
From Pisgah Israel sought permission to move through the land of the Amorites. Sihon their king not only denied permission but came with armed forces to turn them back. Having defeated Sihon by the power of the Lord, Og king of Bashan next sought to bring an end to the traveling hoard of Israel. Again the Lord empowered them to defeat their foes. Spiritually speaking, our Lord not only brings us health from the bite of our foe, but He also leads us into victory over him. That is His glory! Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john
The view from Mt. Nebo looking west across the Jordan valley.
When our oldest was a couple of months old, Laura and I went to my grandfather’s farm for the afternoon. Plenty of aunts and grandmas were there so we took advantage of the time went for a walk in the woods with some of my cousins. I guess we were gone too long for the baby. He was throwing a fit, and he did not want the backup bottle. I never will forget the look on the face of one of my aunts as we walked up to the house. It was a look of simultaneous desperation and relief. His crying had caught everyone’s attention for the last 15 minutes because no one could quiet him.
In a culture where baby bottles, formula and sippy cups did not exist, this Psalm probably made a lot more immediate sense. But anyone who has raised children from birth can relate to this. A new born has only two ways to communicate to his mother that he is hungry. He can root around with his mouth looking for a place to latch on, or he can cry until he gets fed. Weaning came a little later in Biblical times, often around three years of age. By that time a child had gained the ability to eat solid foods, and the ability to wait until the appropriate time to eat. Meals were more laborious to prepare than in our society. Snacks were not as common, and refrigerators non-existent. When an un-weaned child wanted food usually only one person could satisfy him. Woe be to those watching the child until she is available to satisfy him! The weaned child, however, has learned not to be so demanding. Physically he does not need to be fed on demand. He can quiet himself just by being held by his mother. He knows that food will come at the appropriate time. If he needs comforting, his mother’s embrace is enough.
As you know, the New Testament likens our spiritual life to being born again (John 1:12; 3:1-18; 1 Cor. 3:1; Heb. 5:13; 1 Peter 2:2). When we receive Jesus, we need the milk of the Word to cause us to grow. Receiving the milk on a regular basis enables us to grow. When the growing pains of the hunger of life tie our spiritual stomachs in knots, it is the milk of the Word that comforts us. But it is sad when something happens to a child so that he never grows up. We need to be weaned. We need to learn to eat solid foods:
For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. Hebrews 5:13,14Using the milk of the Word, application, enables us to eat the meat of the Word which is a discernment of good and evil in relation to Scripture because the Holy Spirit has empowered us to obey the Word. Consequently, when hunger pains of life assault our stomachs, we can come to the Lord and quiet our souls in Him knowing that the appropriate time is coming when those pains will be relieved. We have experienced His glory enough to know that only He will satisfy, and He will satisfy at the appropriate time. We need not be frantic when life does not roll as we think it ought. We learn to be comforted by just His presence. Nor should we be frantic when spiritual babes are crying their heads off for milk. We just take them to the milk of the word, and try to help them understand how to use it in their situation. That is His glory! He causes us to grow and to be quieted in the pains of life! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john
Wow! There is so much in this chapter that we could meditate upon. I could spend weeks writing upon this one chapter alone! This is one of the classic Servant passages of Isaiah that clearly speaks of the Messiah and therefore of the Lord Jesus Christ. First of all, He is the elect or chosen one of God. I remember in ninth grade going out for the basketball team. I finally had started growing, but I was growing so much that my coordination was really off. I was so bad at basketball that I was the only one who went out for the team that never even suited up for a game. I was so bad that the coach wouldn’t even let me warm the bench. During practice we would occasionally divide up into different squads and scrimmage. Coach would sometimes choose captains and let them pick the teams. I was always the last one chosen, and usually there was some grumbling that I had to be on their team. There was one time when the team asked coach if they could just play without me. I knew who would usually be chosen first (because their talent was revealed in how they played), and I knew who would always be chosen last (because my lack of talent was revealed in how I played). Jesus was chosen by the Father before the foundation of the world. Were there others that the Father could have chosen from? No, (unlike Mormon theology) there were not any others. Then how is that a choice? He could have chosen to not send Him at all. In which case, we would be forever lost. But He is God’s elect, His chosen one. Now that is glory!
Note that the Father delights in Him. His soul delights in Him. Have you ever felt that your earthly father delighted in you? You are fortunate if you did. All of us grew up craving the delight of our earthly father. Sometimes we did not feel that delight, sometimes we did. For some people we were made to feel secure in His delight. For others we were not too sure of that delight. It may because our fathers did not know how to communicate it, or it may because we did not know how to receive it, or it may be because of a combination of both. For others they knew there was no delight, and because there was no delight, they fell into various vices in order to fill the empty spot. But the Heavenly Father is infinitely delighted in the Servant, His Son. It is interesting to note that two of the three times the Gospels record the Father speaking from heaven that He expressly says, “This is my beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased!” (Matt 3:17; 1&:5; Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22; 2 Peter 1:17). Wow! God the Father is exceptionally well pleased with the Son, Jesus the Messiah. How affirming that must have been to Jesus. You know most everything that is true of Jesus, is true of those that are in Him. Are you lacking your earthly Father’s delight? Remember that if you are in Jesus, the Heavenly Father delights in you because of the Son!
Note also that the Father put His Spirit upon the Son. Everything Jesus did in the flesh, He did in the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was God. Why did He need the Spirit? There are several answers to that question, but the answer that I like to cling to is that, because everything that Jesus did as a man, He did in the power of the Holy Spirit, it then makes me aware that is possible that if He puts His Spirit upon me then I can do the same works as He did and even greater works. Wow, His glory takes into account the power to change me so that I can live as He did! Why do I grovel with lesser things? Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john
JOHN 3:1-21
I remember looking down into the bassinet the first time that I laid him in it. He was my first child. What an amazing thing! Here was a new life. I was responsible for raising him. I was overwhelmed with the responsibility. I was in awe of what God had done--a new life. I would think that almost anyone who has had a child knows of what I speak. Yet there is something even more amazing--new spiritual life.
In this passage Jesus uses that phrase that has become so over used in our culture. He tells this highly religious man that he must be born again. In explaining it, He gives us that most memorized verse of the Scripture, John 3:16. He tells us that He will die so that we can be born again. His light reveals our sin. When we come to His light and present our sin to Him, His deed on the cross and resurrection removes our sin and creates life out of death. That is an even more amazing miracle than the physical birth! It is what He does that produces it! He creates life out of my death. That is better than the amazing thing that He does in creating physical babies! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john
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