Thursday, October 7, 2010

October 7, 2010

1 Kings 10

The wealth of Solomon is indeed amazing. But even more amazing is that little statement tucked in at the beginning, “The queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord.” Solomon is famous for his wisdom and his wealth, but Sheba is most impressed concerning the name. The name is the expression of who God is. He is Who He is. Why was she so Impressed with the Name? It was through the name that Solomon acquired wisdom. It is his wisdom which she came to test. And when she tested it, she said, “Indeed, even the half was not told me.” Solomon at this point was a living testimony of the wisdom of God. He exalted the name of the Lord. May His name be exalted in my life for He is worthy of all glory. Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!

--Pastor john

Philippians 3

Knowing Christ is worth more than any thing that we can achieve or obtain upon this earth. Why? Because he is the Lord of heaven and earth. He holds life in His hands. He is life. Anything and everything of eternal value finds its source in Him. The source of life is more valuable than the things of life. We can always lose the things of life if we have the source of life. The source will always replenish what we lose. But if we lose the source of life, then the only way to keep the things of life is to compulsively hang on to them. If I have the source, then I can enjoy the things that flow out of the source, but I can also let them go for I know that there will always be things flowing out of the source.

Many western movies have been made about range wars over water rights. When one owns the source of water, they usually are not worried about containing it. But if there is no water source on the property, then often that property owner is consumed with either finding a water source or hoarding all the water he can obtain. Or he begins fighting others to get water.

Our lives are the same. There are many things around us. Some are good. Some are bad. We often attach the value of our lives to the things around us. But there is only one source of real life. That source is Jesus. When we pursue and find Jesus, we find life. We sometimes have to let go of the things around us to pursue Him. But each time that He reveals a little of Himself, we come to the realization that it was more than worth it all. Everything else is rubbish compared to knowing Him. That word rubbish is a polite word in our English translations. The word is actually dung, manure. There is a less polite word commonly used today, but I won't use it. Suffice it to say that nothing compares to knowing Him. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!

--Pastor John

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