Monday, October 4, 2010

October 4, 2010

1 Kings 6-7

If you were to build a house to honor the Lord, how would you build it to reflect his glory? You would want the best wouldn’t you? Solomon obtained the best. The sanctuary was lined with carved cedar on the walls. The floor was covered with cypress. The Most Holy Place was lined with gold. Windows were placed in the top of the house facing the east. Can you imagine how the room glistened with the morning sun as the rays reflected off of the gold lined interior? Surly it was dazzling indeed. Perhaps it was a forerunner to the transfiguration of Jesus when his appearance dazzled the disciples. Solomon seems to have spared no expense in building the temple and it accoutrements. It was seven years in the building. Why? It needed to reflect the glory of God. Is the intent of all that I do to reflect the glory of God?

Solomon also built an impressive house for himself. It was bigger than the temple. But then, the Temple’s dimensions mirrored the tabernacle’s dimensions. Solomon seems to have limited himself to the tabernacle’s dimensions for the temple, but for his own house he had no limitations. He built it to 225,000 cubic feet, 39% the amount of cubic feet of the Marland Mansion. His own house took 13 years to complete. Hmm. . . I wonder about whose glory he was most concerned. Is the thrust of my life about my own glory or God’s. Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!

--Pastor john

Ephesians 6

The glory of the Lord Jesus Christ extends to the very core relationships of our lives. Our relationship is not something that we address only on Sundays. It is an every day in every way relationship. His glory affects our relationship with our parents changing those who walk with Him so that they honor their parents. His glory changes our relationship with our children, changing those who walk with Him so that bringing up children is neither harsh nor lacking discipline but focused on the nurture and admonition of the Lord. His glory affects our relationship with our employers changing those who walk with Him so that the job we have is not just a job but rather it is God's ordained means of our bringing glory to Him. We work not for a boss but for the Lord. His glory affects our relationship with our employees changing those who walk with Him so that their concern for their employees is not just what that employee can do to advance the business. Rather, the concern extends for the general welfare of the employee. As much as possible, the employer desires to advance the welfare of the employee (keeping in mind a godly balance). These things are something that only the Lord Jesus Christ can bring about in people so that they volunteer to do it. Yet, He does it regularly, as people focus on His glory. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!

--Pastor John

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