Thursday, April 29, 2010

April 28, 2010

Luke 20:1-26
It was a question of authority. I was substitute teaching in a shop class. Because I was the Substitute and not trained in the safety procedures of operating the shop machines nor trained in supervising shop students, I was not allowed to operate the machines for a class. The teacher had left some book work for the students to do. That would have been fine, but during the 5th hour I could not even get the students to sit in their seats to take role to begin the class. I did not even know the names of the students who were giving me the problem. In everything I said, it was as though I was not even heard. They ignored me completely. Fortunately the class was equipped with an intercom system. I called the office. Eventually the principal arrived. Even he had a little difficulty getting them to take their seats. But they did. He had authority that I was unable to wield. I was supposed to have authority by virtue of my office. But that authority went unrecognized from the moment I stepped into the room. The students were only interested in their rights. They thought they had come to shop class to work at the machines not do books. I told the principle on my way home that day that I would not be substituting that class anymore.
Jesus has all authority in heaven and earth. The chief priests, the scribes and the elders did not recognize Jesus' authority. They had no interest in yielding to Him. Jesus told them a parable about servants who reject proper authority. Then He ended with a quote from Psalm 118:22.
The stone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief cornerstone
I think it is interesting that when Jesus left the upper room after celebrating the last supper with the disciples, having finished the meal, they sang a hymn and left. The last hymn of the Seder is Psalm 118. Perhaps this was part of what they were singing as they exited to go to the Garden of Gethsemane.
So where is the glory in this? Jesus does have all authority in heaven and earth. That is great glory. Why do we not submit to his authority? Probably because we think we can get away with not submitting, or we do not think that He has authority. Jesus having been rejected by the builders has become the chief cornerstone. When He returns in His glory, His authority will be visible. We will be submissive to His role call. He will bring judgment. Those who did not submit to His authority in this life will receive their final judgment. It will be glorious. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John

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