Monday, April 12, 2010

April 10, 2010

Leviticus 14
Luke 10:25-42
I’ve met people who have at one time been great servants of the Lord whose faith somewhere along the line found shipwreck. I’ve heard testimonies before of people who had loved ones murdered. The Lord showed His glory to those people in such a way that they were eventually able to go to the murderer in prison and take the gospel to them. Forgiveness fell like lightning. Now there is glory for you!
It is the glory of God to change us from a people who hated Him and murdered His Son to a people who love Him. It is the glory of God to change us from a people who have enemies to a people who love our enemies. Some how I think that change only comes from dwelling on the glory of God. What would cause a Samaritan, one deeply hated by the Jews to risk his life to save a Jew, one of those who hated him? What would cause him to take from his own income to provide healing for a man whom he had never met. Surely that can only come from spending time thinking upon the greatness of God and out of that mindset grew a compassion for people in need.
On the heels of that story comes the story of Mary & Martha. Mary chose to sit at the feet of Jesus and hear His word. This bothered Martha who was busy meeting the needs of the group. It was noble that she was concerned about meeting needs, but there is also a time when we need to sit and gaze upon the glory of Jesus. It is out of that understanding and experiencing His glory that comes the power to truly serve others. That is why it cannot be taken away. Deep inside there is always that shining of the glory of Christ that gives strength to keep on giving. It is His glory that motivates us in the hard times. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john

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