Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 2

From yesterday’s reading it would appear that when David was hiding among the people that it was his practice to use his men to protect his fellow Israelites, subjects of King Saul. Why would he do such a thing? First and foremost he would do that because it was the right thing to do. Second he would do that because he knew that one day he would be their king. There was no need to alienate those whom he would one day rule. What a disappointment it was for him when they told Saul that David was in the area. David even recorded a quiet time when he contemplated the problem. It is found in Psalm 54. But notice that he did tell the Lord about it, and the Lord once again showed David His glory by putting the deep sleep upon Saul’s army. David recognized the hand of the Lord. He did not use it as opportunity to seize the throne. He would wait upon the Lord. He was willing to wait his time. By this time in David’s life, he might have been running from Saul close to ten years. Can you imagine running for your life for ten years, having opportunity to bring that running to an end and not taking matters into your own hands? David certainly had his eyes on a greater glory than the throne of Israel! It was on the King of kings. Only that kind of vision can explain his kind of action. Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john

“My soul thirsts for you.” Can I be spiritually dehydrated and not know it? Can I be physically dehydrated and not know it? Ask any Doctor if a person can be physically dehydrated and not know it, and he will probably tell you, “Of course!” It happens quite frequently. Indeed dehydration can lead to a myriad of other problems with the body which could have been avoided if the person had just kept drinking water. Sometimes we don’t recognize our thirst sensation for what it is. Other times we have trained it to search for substitutes. Whether or not I recognize my need for water, I still need water.
Like water, the glory of God is necessary for my life. As the dull headache in the back of the head is to dehydration, so spiritual thirst is to our need of God. I can find no substitutes. I can search for love in this world, but ultimately all human love fails me. His lovingkindness is better than life. I can search for all manner of things with which I might satisfy my spiritual thirst, but ultimately only He can satisfy the longings within me. I can grasp for all kinds of things to help me spiritually, but ultimately only He can pull me out of the depths of the place of the dead. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John

About 3 weeks ago someone stole Liam’s bicycle. Liam was enraged, rightly so. Whoever stole took from Liam one of his most prized possessions. Justice for that theft will probably never be served in this world. Last night the dogs were barking wildly at our bedroom window. Laura got up and looked out. Somebody was going through a bag of stuff. They came back a little later and seemed to be trying to steal the bicycles locked to our porch rail. She called the police. They said they would send an officer to drive around and look. This morning I found a few items on the ground by our trash can, some pictures in frames, an empty jewelry box, a half-full box of rifle shells. I guess that the person that the dogs had been barking at had stolen some things and was getting rid of the things that they did not want. Probably, justice will never be served in this world for his theft.
It is easy to complain against God that justice is not served. That has been a common complaint toward God throughout the ages, especially toward tyrants and unjust countries. Ezekiel sings a lament about Egypt finally receiving the justice due her. She will go down to Sheol, and what will she find there? She will find a host of other countries there that have also found the justice due them. There she will find the princes of Assyria, Elam, Meshech, Tubal and Edom. God does bring justice. It just might not come in our time.
The thief outside my door will receive justice. He will find it in one of two ways. He will repent and believe in Jesus. In which case, justice will have been served upon Jesus upon His cross. Or, he will receive justice for refusing to repent and believe. Either way, justice is served. Either way, mercy is extended, but mercy is only realized if it is received. It is the glory of our Lord to serve justice and extend mercy. Lord, I receive Your mercy! Indeed, we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john

God is love. Jesus is God. This passage describes love. This passage describes Jesus. He suffers long with us. Our sin is great and grievous. He was patient with us, waiting for us to repent. Love does not parade itself is not puffed up. He, the Creator of the Universe, Lord of lords, was born in a manger. That is hardly puffing Himself up. Love does not behave rudely. Jesus is never rude. Yes, He says things that are shocking, but His shocking statements are to reveal the truth not to offend the person to whom He is speaking. Love does not seek its own. He has every right to force us to trust Him. He has the ability to force us to trust Him. But if He forced us to trust Him then He would not be loving us, for He would be seeking His own above our choice. He also sought the Father’s glory above His own. Love does not think evil. Jesus never sits around thinking about what kind of evil might reside in us. He loves us. Love does not rejoice in iniquity. Whenever we sin, Jesus is saddened. Whenever someone commits iniquity against us, Jesus is saddened. Love bears all things. Think of the things that you won’t put up with from other people. Jesus bears with you in those things. Love never fails. Jesus never fails us. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john

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