Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 17

It is part of His glory to give. He gave the Israelites a land for which they did not labor, and cities which they did not build, and they dwelt in them; they ate of vineyards and olive groves which they did not plant. He has given me righteousness which I did not earn, a name which I do not deserve and love which is beyond imagination. What have the gods of this world given me? They have given me lies, deceptions, false promises, broken hopes. Which God should I serve? Shouldn’t that be a no-brainer? I will serve my King who gives so magnificently and loves so wondrously. That is my King! Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john

It was the week of the last game of my senior year in high school. Bill Platt (at that time the radio voice of the OSU Cowboys and the Stillwater Pioneers) had made a habit of doing an interview with 2 seniors per week before the game. Being one of the least talented seniors and not having played very much, I was the last choice. He asked me a question that I will never forget. "Have you enjoyed your experience of football at Stillwater High School? Will you miss it?” I knew what he was driving at. I had very little playing time during the games. I started three games during my years there. They were the first two home games and the last home game of my senior year. During the first two games the coach removed me from playing because of my inability to perform. The last game I played very well, much to everyone’s surprise, but that was the game yet to come. Mr. Platt was nicely asking, “Why put yourself through all the pain of practice if you rarely get to play in a game?” I enjoy playing. Even now I do not watch much football. I’d rather be playing. It pleases me to participate, not to watch. I am a pleasure freak. I want nothing more than to be pleased. Then why do I do things that I do not enjoy? I was willing to put up with the conditioning drills, wind sprints, sled driving and other things because I enjoyed the competition with the other guys. I enjoyed the challenge. I don’t remember exactly how I answered Mr. Platt. But I do remember his summary. He said, “It’s kind of like my Army experience. I am glad I did it, but I am glad it is over.” Basically it is that I will endure a present pain for a future pleasure. I enjoy playing not watching.
The Psalmist says, “You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Do I believe that? How much pain will I put up with right now if I know that it will lead to a future pleasure? It is interesting that on the day of Pentecost, Peter quotes this Psalm and applies it to Jesus, “For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, Nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption.” Paul also quotes it in his sermons in the synagogue in Pisidian Antioch recorded in Acts 13. Jesus endured the cross in order to receive pleasures in the presence of His Father with us. That is part of His glory. He endured horrible wrath in order that He might have the joy of exquisite pleasure which it would produce. He calls us to die with Him so that we might be raised with Him. Are we willing to endure horrible pain in order that we might have the joy of His exquisite pleasure? When we are, we are giving testimony of His great glory. Exquisite pleasure is found in His presence. We can participate in His life, not just watch or be told about it. But death to self must come first. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John

A friend of mine recently left town. He ran away from his problems. It is a life-long pattern that he has had. He is 54, so the pattern is pretty ingrained. He just feels that a change of location is the answer to the problems. The problem with running is that eventually we encounter a similar problem. So we end up running again.
“Is there any Word from the Lord?” Zedekiah is long deported to Babylon (maybe as much as 5 years), but those remaining in Jerusalem still follow his habit of asking but not obeying. After Gedaliah’s unfortunate demise, and Johanan’s rescue of the people, he represents them in seeking instruction about what to do. The Lord graciously gives them assurance about staying, but He also sees through the ruse of their asking. The Lord calls them hypocrites. They asked but not with a view to obedience. Normally when we ask without a view to obedience, the Lord does not answer at all. The classic New Testament passage on the subject is James 1:5-7. James tells us to ask for wisdom in faith. Faith is not believing God will answer, but faith is trusting in such a way that when the answer comes we obey. He says that one who doubts is double minded. In other words, he weighs God’s answer against human wisdom and the does the one which seems most pleasing. What a perfect description of Joahanan and his people!
So where is the glory of the Lord Jesus in all of this? Even when we waffle in our obedience He offers mercy! Look at verse 11 & 12:
Do not be afraid of the king of Babylon, of whom you are afraid; do not be afraid of him,’ says the LORD, ‘for I am with you, to save you and deliver you from his hand. And I will show you mercy, that he may have mercy on you and cause you to return to your own land.’
It is so easy to run from our problems. If we have to run, it ought to be toward the mercy of the Lord, not away from it! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john

ACTS 20:17-38
I see the glory of Christ in the life of Paul that he recounts to the Ephesian elders. The Lord Jesus Christ took a man, who believed that he could obtain the righteousness of the law by doing it, who believed that Jesus was a liar and who believed that all followers of Jesus must be stopped—if necessary by imprisonment or death. The Lord Jesus Christ took that man and totally changed him. In seeing the glory of Christ Paul
1. Loved Jesus preeminently.
2. Served Jesus humbly. (19)
3. Proclaimed Jesus passionately. (20,21,27)
4. Followed the call of the Holy Spirit exclusively. (23,24)
5. Challenged others to follow the same call. (28-32)
6. Earned his living to serve Jesus selflessly. (33-35)
7. Prayed for others constantly. (36-37)
How could this happen? Only because of the great glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John

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