Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 4

Leviticus 7 It was Brian’s birthday. He had us all sit down cross-legged in a circle on the playground. It was following lunch of our fourth grade class. Producing a brown lunch bag full of penny candy, He began methodically apportioning the candy to us one person, one piece at a time until it was all gone. He told us that because we were his friends, he wanted to give to us on his birthday. Wow, I was impressed. Even now, almost 50 years later, I remember that unselfish act of kindness. Usually when one has a birthday, one expects others to give to oneself, but not so with him. He wanted to give to others. He lived with his grandparents. I don’t think they were wealthy, but he wanted to give. Brian died of a brain tumor when we were seniors. Whenever I think of Brian, I usually think of that selfless act, which was characteristic of him. Each priest received a portion of the meat, bread, and skin of the sacrifices as he participated in offering the sacrifices. Remember that the priest and the sacrifices are pictures of our Lord Jesus Christ and that we are made priests together with Him. The priest who was consistent in serving in the process of the sacrificial system had the privilege of viewing the symbol of what the Messiah would one day do for all of us. We have the privilege of ministering to Him in His sacrifice. Jesus told the people of His day that they only came to Him because He fed their bellies. He told them to not labor for food which perishes but rather for food that did not perish. He told them that unless they ate His flesh, then they would not receive eternal life. All but the twelve were disgusted and walked away. As we minister to Him, we also receive a share of His meat, bread and skin. Focusing on and enjoying His glory is akin to eating his flesh, the bread of His body. As we do, He dresses us in the clothes of His righteousness. When Adam and Eve sinned, they dressed themselves in fig leaves and hid from God because they were naked. God killed an animal and made clothes out of the skin for Adam and Eve. Many have postulated that God had Adam kill the animal and taught him about sacrifice as he did it. The act was the first teaching situation concerning the coming Messiah. That would be why God would not accept the sacrifice of Cain, for Cain based his sacrifice upon his own works rather than looking for a blood substitute. It seems the same lesson is being given here. Isn’t that glorious? It is as if He invites us to sit with Him cross-legged on the playground. In His great generosity, He pulls out of His brown bag of sumptuous meats, breads and clothing. He gives us this marvelous feast, all at His own expense, when we ought to be the ones giving it to Him. The feast is Himself. Wow, I sit with Him feasting upon Him. I am amazed and full of wonder at His mercy and grace! It is an act characteristic of Him. I can never forget this great act of love! Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john

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