Why do I give to the United States Treasury? I give for one overriding reason. If I do not, I will be charged penalties and interest. If I ignore the penalties and interest long enough, the U.S. Government will confiscate all my belongings to pay what I owe, or throw me in jail, or both. Why do I give to the State of Oklahoma, or the county of Payne? I give for the same reason that I give to the U.S. Government. If it were not forced, would I do it? Probably not. Yet, the federal, state, county and city governments provide services that greatly enhance my quality of life. Because of their work, I have good running water, sewer, electricity, natural gas, police protection, ambulance coverage, decent roads to drive upon, safety in travel from state to state, protection from foreign invaders, quality higher education for my children, etc. If the governments did not require it, would I still pay for the benefits? Hmmmm. . . I am pretty short sighted. I would pay if I saw the direct benefit. I would probably not pay if I did not see the direct benefit.
In the late 1800’s when the men at the Oklahoma A&M campus planted trees, did they do it for their benefit? No they did it for generations to come. Today I enjoy the shade and beauty of large oak and cypress trees on the OSU campus because of their foresight. They paid for others as well as themselves.
Hezekiah’s revival brought a renewed vision for the glory of the Lord. That glory required the service of many priests and Levites that had previously not been supported by the people. Hezekiah required the people to tithe. That requirement came at the height of the revival when the vision of the glory of the Lord had been renewed. Having seen the glory of the Lord and having the king’s requirement, the people brought in their tithes. Being an agrarian society, they stacked their tithes in three gigantic piles. They took 4 months to heap it all up. The leaders saw it and blessed the people. It could have been smaller heaps. The people could probably have cheated a little and succeeded, but they saw the glory of the Lord. It was worth it to them to give to the Lord.
It was an issue of value received for a gift given. They valued the glory of the Lord. He was worth their gift. Do I view Him that way? Jesus put it this way, “What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Am I so short sighted that I cling to the things of this world?” Is my focus on the value of the world or the value of His glory? When it is His glory, I will let go of the things of the world because they will pale in value compared to the things of the Lord. When it is the things of this world, I have to be commanded to give to His kingdom, and if I give, it is grudgingly. When my focus is His glory, His command is not burdensome. I am excited to participate in His glory. Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john
There is a vine in North Carolina and Oklahoma that is popularly called, ‘cat’s claw’. It has kind of a heart shaped leaf. The vine itself is very strong and hearty. It likes to grown in bushes and will eventually take over a bush. The only way to get rid of it is to dig up its roots. It is hard to disentangle from a bush because of its multitude of thorns, hence the nick name ‘cat’s claw’. I have received more than one prick while trying to disentangle a bush from the clutches of a cat’s claw. It is easier to get rid of it when it is first beginning to climb the bush. I suppose one could use it as a weapon to cut and tear the skin of an enemy. But only a fool would use it.
Verse 10 says, “The great God who formed everything gives the fool his hire and the transgressor his wages.” This chapter is full of contrasts of fools and wise people, but this is the only verse that deals with the glory of God. As one scans the chapter for the folly of the fool it is easy to see many examples of fools in real life. At times in the past, I have been that fool. I pray that it is no longer so. Although, while I have been on vacation, I have to admit that I have been a little slow to turn on my bed. I like the companion (verse 9) comparison of the fool until I read some of the other translations. Wow, what a difference in meaning! Anyway a fool attempts to use his foolishness to satisfy himself, never understanding that God will eventually bring his foolishness back upon Himself.
Lord, You are the Great God who formed everything. Keep me from foolishness and foolish living. Let my wages be the wages of wisdom. I need Your empowerment in this. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john
When my children were little, we would sometimes wrestle or pillow fight. Sometimes I would pretend that they were beating me. I would let them do their very best to do the very worst to me. Then I would overcome them. It would reveal how much stronger that I, as an adult, was than they as children. The Beast will do his best to overcome the Lamb. The Lamb will let them do their best to do their worst. It will reveal to us how great He is. It will add new meaning to us to His titles of ‘King of kings’ and ‘Lord of lords’.
But how does this beast and harlot attack the Lamb? They do it by attacking the followers of the Lamb throughout the world. Who is this Harlot? She is “Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth.” Babylon has always represented not only powerful military interests but also economic interests. It is these interests that invade the good earth of our lives (parable of the sower) and choke out the good seed. Even John, standing in heaven, when he saw her, marveled at her beauty. The Lord quickly brings him back and essentially says, “Wake up, John! What are you marveling at?” She is the religious/economic spirit that throughout the ages has tempted the followers of the Lamb to lie with her. Her beauty is most seductive and difficult to overcome. Without a constant gaze upon the beauty and riches of our Lord, we will be drawn into committing spiritual adultery with her. In this way she attacks the Lamb!
Perhaps the enemy at this very moment is attacking you. He is doing his very best to do his worst to you. He attacks you because in attacking you, He attacks the King of kings and Lord of lords. The King lets him do his best to do his worst. But it is only for a season and only to show how mighty He is through you. You and He will after all, overcome. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John
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