God is severe. Yes, I said it, severe. It finally has happened. Judgment began with the household of God. He had told the people as far back as Moses that if they deviated from seeking His glory that he would curse them and move them out of the land. He told them in the days of Manasseh that He would wipe them like one wipes a dish. Only the repentance of Josiah postponed the destruction. Now, king Zedekiah experiences the full brunt of the wrath of the Lord through the wrath of the Babylonians. They killed Zedekiah’s sons before him, and then they put out his eyes. The next to last sight that Zedekiah would remember for the rest of his life would be the execution of his sons. That is severe. Others were executed as well. Most were deported. The temple was robbed. The city was looted and burned, and the walls were destroyed. That is severe.
Is that glory? Hmmm. . . What would the innocent people who were slaughtered under Manasseh and Amon say? What would the angels who have been observing this cosmic drama say? What would those who see the largest picture say? I know they would say, “Yes, that is glory for His justice is revealed. How sad it is that, like Josiah, they could also have experienced the mercy of the Lord if they had repented. Will God discipline His children if they do not repent? He certainly will. Doing so manifests His glory. Will God show mercy to His children who repent? He certainly will. Doing so also manifests His glory. Lord, Help me live a lifestyle of repentance! I want your mercy! Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john
Does God get tired? This Psalm implies it, but is that what it means? It would appear that this Psalm was written by Solomon near the time of the dedication of the temple. The core of the psalm can be found in 8-9 & 13-14 concerning the resting place of God upon the ark of the covenant:
8Arise, O LORD, to Your resting place, You and the ark of Your strength. 9 Let Your priests be clothed with righteousness, And let Your saints shout for joy. . . 13For the LORD has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His dwelling place: 14“This is My resting place forever; Here I will dwell, for I have desired it.”How is it possible that the Eternal God needs a place to rest? It isn’t. The concept of resting comes from the wilderness wandering experience. In Numbers 10:35-36 find the explanation of how the Children of Israel knew when to break camp and to make camp. When the pillar of cloud/fire (the visible manifestation of God’s glory) rose off of the ark/tabernacle, the people would know that it was time to break camp. When the pillar came to a standstill, the people knew that it was time to make camp. The people knew that they could now rest. Soon Moses began the practice of poetically pronouncing what was happening:
35 So it was, whenever the ark set out, that Moses said: “Rise up, O LORD! Let Your enemies be scattered, And let those who hate You flee before You.” 36 And when it rested, he said: “Return, O LORD, To the many thousands of Israel.”
With the building of the Temple, there was no longer a constant wandering of the ark, but rather there was a permanent home. God’s people no longer wandered around, but could build homes and rest from their journey. But there was more symbolism than that! The ark is a type of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Hebrew word for ark translates as “ark” 195 times, “chest” six times, and “coffin” once. Consider that! The word could also be translated as “coffin!” The Ten Commandments were placed in the ark, the coffin. On top of the ark was placed the golden mercy seat. Once a year on the day of atonement, the blood of the sacrificial goat was sprinkled on the mercy seat. When the blood was sprinkled on the seat, His people received mercy. When Jesus went to the cross, our sin was placed upon Him. God’s wrath was poured out upon Him against our sin. His blood was shed on our behalf. When we trust in Him, His blood brings us mercy from God.
It is in the presence of the living ark, the Lord Jesus Christ that we experience the presence of God. And He gives us rest. This is the way into true rest. This is the way into victory. This is the message of the Bible. Our great God became flesh to give us rest. Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Him. Now that is glory. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john
“I will stand my watch And set myself on the rampart, And watch to see what He will say to me, And what I will answer when I am corrected!” Can I say that? I am convinced that most of those in the USA, who name the name of Christ, cannot say that. But, can I say that? Can I daily stand in His word looking to see the glory of the Lord. Do I wait in His word looking to see what the Spirit will say to me through His word? What will I do when I am corrected? Will I bring myself into obedience with His teaching, or will my stubborn will win out insisting that I was “right” that I was “justified?” Like it or not, one day, “The earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, As the waters cover the sea.” When that day comes the only thing of value that will remain is that which acknowledged and submitted to the glory of the Lord. Lord enable me to crucify that flesh which wars against Your Spirit. Enable me to truly stand my watch and do what you say to me for I wish to enjoy Your glory and not fear it! Indeed, we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john
The first covenant with its high priests and tabernacle and ark was a holy thing. Indeed anyone who did not treat it as holy was judged by God Himself. Take for instance Nadab and Abihu the sons of Aaron were instantly struck dead for offering strange fire. The Philistines who captured the ark of the covenant were struck hemorrhoids and infertility for their act. When David improperly transported the ark and Uzzah put his hand upon the ark to steady it, God killed Uzzah. When Uzziah (not Uzzah) was king, he proudly sought to take the role of a priest upon himself and burn incense in the sanctuary. Eighty priests opposed him. Uzziah became angry with the priests. In the midst of his anger, the Lord struck him with leprosy. The priesthood, the tabernacle and the furniture of the tabernacle were holy things. Trust in the sacrifices was able to procure temporary covering for sin. These things were all shadows or pictures, if you will, of Christ. They were not the real thing. They were simply teaching tools to tell of the sacrifice that Christ would do for our sin.
If these things were holy and effective, how much more effective is the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ? He did not enter into a physical sanctuary made by human hands. Having died and received the judgment of God against all the sins of the world upon the cross, He has now entered into the heavenly throne room of God. There He applies His own blood to the lives of those who trust him. His blood is so powerful that He need not do it time and time again. He does it once. That application is useful for all of our sins, past, present and future. When we die, we will be judged. The first standard of judgment will be, "Has the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ ever been applied to my life." If it has been applied, then we enter into His presence and at His judgment seat, we will be rewarded for the good works we have done. His blood is indeed powerful! If it has not been applied, then judgment awaits at the Great White Throne and after that, hell and the lake of fire. His wrath is indeed terrifying! He is indeed holy and effective! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John
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