Monday, December 31, 2012

2 Chronicles 35

2 Chronicles 35 It is the glory of God to let us hear his voice. Certainly if we saw His face we would die (Exodus 33:20). But He has condescended to allow us to hear His voice. As a matter of fact, one of the descriptions of being one of His sheep, His children, is that we hear His voice (John 10:27). If we do not hear His voice and follow, we are none of His. But what about Josiah? Here is a man who intently followed the Lord. There are few other kings who can compare to the revival that Josiah led in Judah! Yet in the end, he met an early demise because He did not listen. But what a strange place to hear the voice of the Lord, the mouth of Pharaoh! Verse 22 tells us that he did not heed the words of Necho from the mouth of God. The result was that he died fighting a battle that was not his to fight. Certainly it appeared that he ought to oppose Necho. Isaiah, less than a hundred years before him, had continually spoken to the kings against allying with Egypt in order to fight the kings of the north. On the surface it might appear that to allow Pharaoh’s army safe passage would be tantamount to allying the nation with Egypt in its fight with Babylon. I think Josiah operated in the natural-that which appeared to be the right thing to do. God spoke to him through the unrighteous mouth of Necho, but Josiah was not in a place to listen. How often do we do the same. How many of our churches are running ‘successful’ programs that are really contrary to the voice of the Lord. O sure they attract people, sure they are to some degree popular, but are they really what the Lord wants? In the natural it may appear so, but have we stopped to truly hear the voice of the Lord? It may well be that we reach an early demise, or worse yet, live a life of ineffectiveness for the Kingdom, simply because we have not stopped to listen for the voice of the Lord and obeyed. Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john

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