Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31

Psalm 150 It is said that St. Francis of Assisi would preach to the animals. That is a little strange if you ask me. However, he seemed to take Mark 16:15 literally, and I guess Ps. 150:6 lent a little credence to his practice. I suppose if the stars themselves sing praise to the Lord, then anything that has breath could also give praise to the Lord. Maybe I should teach my dogs to sing. In what ways do lions and tigers and bears (Oh my!) give praise to the Lord? But then, if the very rocks would cry out in praise in the presence of the Lord if we did not, then I am sure that everything that has breath would do the same. What would a dog look like when it is praising the Lord? Would it tilt its head? Would it roll over? Would it whirl in circles? Would it howl and sing? When the manifest presence of the Lord came down on Sinai, even the animals were forbidden to touch the mountain lest they die. The creatures described in heaven, which were created to live in the constant manifest presence of the Lord and give Him praise, seem to cower at His greatness. If all these praise the Lord, then why do we, who were created in His image, not constantly declare forth the glories of His praise? He has hidden His face from us, lest we die and have no opportunity to repent. Lord change me, so that my breath is constantly spent giving praise to Your name. You are indeed worthy of all praise! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john

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