Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8

Nahum 3
What a contrast between the ending of Micah and the ending of Nahum! Micah ends with hope as a promise of the forgiveness of sins is extended. Nahum ends with despair:
Your injury has no healing,
Your wound is severe.
All who hear news of you
Will clap their hands over you,
For upon whom has not your wickedness passed continually?
Micah was addressed to Israel and Judah. Nahum was addressed to Nineveh, Assyria. Both were accused of spiritual harlotry. God seems to frequently compare our sin to harlotry. What God values in us is that we reflect what He is like. There is such an unbreakable bond in the essence of the Godhead that if it were broken, the very universe would unravel. He created us in His image. Male and female he created us. Our marriages are to reflect that image in the oneness of our union. When we break that covenant relationship we mar part of the image of what He is like. That is one of the reasons that fornications and adulteries should be shunned among those who call upon His name. Our failure mars the image of God. It keeps people from trusting in Him.
The church is to reflect what He is like. The oneness of Him is to be reflected in us. That is why love and loyalty among the body is so crucial for the world to believe the witness that we profess. It is a witness that we are in communion with Him. Our disunity mars the image of Him. It is the result of spiritual harlotry, and it is spiritual harlotry. Our failure mars the image of God. It keeps people from trusting in Him.
Why was Israel granted repentance and Nineveh not? Part of the answer lies in the purpose and providence of God. Part of the answer lies in will of man. Nineveh chose not to repent. Israel partially remains today, and one day will occupy the land in belief. Nineveh was destroyed in 612 B.C., as prophesied by Nahum. Its destruction was so complete that for many years some scholars even questioned the existence of Nineveh. It was discovered by archeologists in 1845–1854. It is a silent testimony that those who curse Israel will be cursed. It is also a silent testimony that spiritual harlotry leads us to death both individually and corporately. God will display His glory either in love and compassion leading to life or in judgment leading to death. Indeed, we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john

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