Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 19, 2011

Isaiah 17-18
Ethiopia. It is mentioned in 19 verses of the New King James Version. The word Ethiopian is used in another 18 verses. It is the Greek name for the land of Cush, south of Egypt. Most scholars do not believe that it should be confused with the modern Ethiopian country. A few scholars think that the Queen of Sheba came from Ethiopia; although, most believe that Sheba was part of the southern Arabian Peninsula. 2 Chronicles 14:9 we read of Zerah the Ethiopian who came against Asa with an army of one million men. Here in Isaiah we find a prophecy against the nation. Isaiah warns of coming judgment upon Ethiopia. Thus the people of Judah should not depend upon this Egyptian/Ethiopian dynasty to deliver them from the Assyrians. Indeed the Assyrians defeated the Ethiopians in 701 B.C. Had Judah truly depended upon them, their trust would have been disappointed. But along with the promised judgment, comes a promise. The promise is that this ‘terrible-smooth-skinned people’ would one day bring a present to the Lord in Mount Zion. The Ethiopian Eunuch came to Jerusalem to find out who this Great God truly was. He was reading the scroll of Isaiah 53 when Philip met him at his chariot. What do you suppose he thought when he read of his nation in Isaiah 18?
That Eunuch went back and to this day the Coptic church of Egypt and Ethiopia trace their lineage to him. Yes, the Lord caused Ethiopia to bring a gift to Him. It is the gift of some of her people. And someday even more shall come. Is that not glorious? Our king predicts what happens and then we can see it happen in history! But do we depend upon the people and things around us that will fail us? Or, do we depend upon the Lord? One day, if we depend upon Him, we will bring a gift to Him. It will be the result of our trust in Him. On the other hand, if we trust upon the people and things around us, we will have nothing to bring. I have opportunity to increase His glory by trusting on His promise, not the things around me. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john

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