Friday, March 18, 2011

March 15, 2011

Ecclesiastes 1
I sat and watched the sunrise over the Arbuckle Mountains in southern Oklahoma. It was summer at a youth encampment, and I was young. We had risen early to climb the mountain side to watch the sun come up and to contemplate the glory of God. It was indeed glorious. The newness of the morning was comparable to the freshness that I was experiencing in knowing God. There was something fresh and new of Him there.
Once again it was morning; I had walked to the beach to watch the sun come up. It was the end of the summer which I had spent on a CCC project in Ocean City, NJ. I reflected on the glory of God as the sun punched its red rays through the broken clouds on the horizon. God had shown himself mighty over the last few months, but what would he be doing over the next year? It would be my second collegiate year. I looked forward to the fresh power that I expected Him to display. I wondered what awaited; what would be new?
I sat in the jetliner over the Atlantic. Heading west we were traveling just a little slower than the rotation speed of the earth. The sunrise lasted over an hour. The red glow and rays were eerily reminding us of the glory of God. I reflected a bit on what God was doing in Senegal. He was one by one setting people free from a life of sin. I thought about the new life and new energy that He had pumped into tired believers and a tired church. His freshness was incredible.
At least 2,190,000 sunrises and sunsets have transpired since God sent this earth turning upon its axis at the creation. About mid-way through those days God moved upon Solomon to pen these words: “The sun also rises, and the sun goes down.” In this book of Ecclesiastes, the phrase, “Under the sun.” represents all of the activities of man done apart from God. They are wearisome. Nothing really new transpires. We are without meaning and hope. It is a burdensome exercise to try to figure it out under the sun. It cannot be done. It is a great affliction. Yet, day after day men and women try to make sense out of life apart from submission to the Creator. It is an affliction upon our souls from which we can find no relief! It cannot be done. It hasn’t happened in 2,190,000 sunrises. It will not happen in 2,190,000 more.
You may say, “Well now that is a pretty pessimistic attitude about life.” On the contrary, it is most optimistic! It should drive us to a different viewpoint. It should drive us to change our minds. It should drive us to the Creator for each sunrise gives us new opportunity to submit before His throne in the activities live and of the day. Every once-in-a-while I like to get up with the sun and wait upon Him. In communion with Him, I find my place. In communion with Him, I find fresh meaning and purpose for life. His mercies are new every morning. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john

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