Friday, September 24, 2010

September 24, 2010

2 Samuel 20

Where is the glory? Sometimes God shows us in His word where the sin of man leads. It is downright ugly. This chapter is one of those ugly chapters. But it was for the ugliness of this sin that Jesus suffered and died. If I can think of any glory here, it is that my sin was just as heinous to God as was this chapter. Jesus suffered and died for that sin. The jewel of his death and resurrection shines all the brighter against the backdrop of sin such as this. Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!

--Pastor john

Galatians 3

We have seen and will continue to see that the focal point of the glory of Jesus Christ (in relation to human beings) is the cross. That is not to say that there are not other things that we could focus on. It is that the cross looms so large in our sight. And in relation to us it is the cross that enables us to truly experience His other glories. What are some of those other glories?

Because of the cross He supplies the Holy Spirit to live in us. Wow! the infinite Spirit of God lives in us. He speaks to us, comforts us, leads us, empowers us. Jesus is able to send Him to live in us because of the cross. Now that is glorious! The cross and the Holy Spirit alone would be enough but that is not the end. He occasionally works miracles among us. They are miracles of provision, healing, and power. They are all from His hand. Now that is glorious! The cross, the resurrection, the Holy Spirit and miracles would be enough but that is not the end. He provides this all to those who simply and fully trust in Him. He could have required that we reach a certain point of holiness. But He didn't. It is available to all who trust. The cross, the resurrection, the Holy Spirit, miracles and the provision of faith would be enough but that is not the end. He promised this all to Abraham, 2,000 years before He came. Here we are 4,000 years from Abraham and we are receiving the benefits of his promise. Now that is glorious! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!

--Pastor John

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