1 Samuel 17
As a sophomore in high school, I weighed 135 pounds. I was on the last string (6th) of our football team. The coach sometimes took the last string and used it as a scout team against the first string. We would run the defense and offense of the upcoming team in a scrimmage against our 1st string. One practice I was placed as a cornerback on the defense of the scout team. In this particular practice our first string offense was practicing a screen pass. This meant that our 1st string tackle, who weighed 235 and was all muscle, would be blocking me. Not only would he be blocking me, but he would have a running start. The first time that he hit me, I think that I was fully airborne for at least five yards. As I pulled myself back on my feet, the head coach looked at me and said, “I know he is big, but you’ve got to protect yourself, Chaffin.” I thought to myself, “Yeah, give me a loaded Smith and Wesson, and I’ll protect myself.” That was one time in my life when I felt that there was a literal giant whom I had to face in battle.
There are times in our lives when the enemy of our soul appears as a giant looming over us. He appears large, crafty, fierce and ready to consume us. Where is the glory of the Lord in those situations? The enemy seems to smear the reputation of God in our sight. Why does not the Lord do something for the glory of His Name? David recognized the situation. But he saw beyond the scene. He saw the glory of the Lord. He had faced lesser giants before. He had depended upon the Lord before. He knew the glory of the Lord was at stake. When no other champion would defend the glory of the Lord, David knew that the Lord would defend His own glory. Knowing the glory of the Lord, David could confidently boast,
I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46“This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel!
It wasn’t about who was the biggest, the strongest, the fiercest, the tallest, the smartest, or even the toughest. It was about the glory of the Lord. When it came to the glory of the Lord, Goliath never knew what hit him. When those times come in my life when the enemy looms over me, I have to find out what the Lord is doing for His glory in this situation. When I get on His side and work with Him. The enemy is the one who goes flying and He gets the glory. Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john
1 Corinthians 7:17-40
A small few have suggested from this passage that Paul is against marriage. Nothing could be further from the truth. Paul is for the glory of Christ. Knowing Jesus in His glory is far more fulfilling than the very best marriage relationship. And if you have one of those very best marriage relationships, you know that it is very fulfilling. But knowing Jesus in His glory is far more fulfilling! If you are one of those rare people who can truthfully say, "I have a very fulfilling marriage and I have a very fulfilling relationship with Jesus Christ," you know exactly what I mean here. Indeed, I do not believe that one's marriage can reach it fullest potential unless one first finds their fulfillment in Christ.Jesus. It is through knowing and experiencing our fulfillment in Him that enables us to give without expectation in return. The more things or people to whom we attach ourselves in this world, the more difficult it is to find our fulfillment in Christ. Paul's point is to be content in what condition you met Christ and find your fulfillment in Him first. Then as you are fulfilled through Him, if marriage is in the plan, that is good. If marriage is not in the plan, that is good--you are still fulfilled. It is the glory of Christ that He fulfill us, not the things or people, whom He gives to us. That is why speaking His glory to one another is so pivotal. It helps us focus on His glory. We cannot be fulfilled by His glory if we do not focus upon it. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
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