Judges 2
The Israelites served the Baals. Their hearts went after other gods. “How could they do such a thing?” we might ask. Yet are we any different. Is not the glory of the Lord so much greater than the Baals? Should this not be a no-brainer decision? Why would anyone leave the Lord for the Baals? Yet do we not do the same thing today? The glory of the Lord is dripping around us, yet we embrace the world instead of His glory. Why do I choose to spend more time establishing the comforts of my life rather than establishing the greatness of His Kingdom? When I do this, am I any different from the Israelites who pursued the Baals? Hmmm. . . I don’t know. Lord, let me be infected with Your glory and settle for nothing less!! “What can be done for an old heart like mine? Soften it up? With oil and wine? The oil is You - Your Spirit of love. Please wash me anew with the wine of Your blood.” Those lyrics by Keith Green speak so poignantly to this issue.
Funny thing, I googled some of those words to get the correct lyrics. The first website that I found that had those lyrics was one that was paid for by ads. The most conspicuous ad was one for a web site for “sexy Christian singles.” It was a simple vertical column ad that consisted mainly of a picture. No heads were in the picture. It was just a guy standing in front of a girl. She stands behind him with her arm around him, having pulled his t-shirt up and here palm flat on his stomach. His hand was reaching back to her thigh. If sex is supposed to be for a married couple, does this ad not strike anyone a little odd? If Christian singlehood is supposed to be for the purpose of building the kingdom of God, if the marriage bed is undefiled, isn’t seeking “sexy Christian singles” somewhat of an oxymoron? Are we imbibing of a god that is not really leading us to the glory of our true King? Are we pursuing Baals? At what point do I use business to build the Kingdom of God, and at what point has business become an idol? Oh, what can be done for an old heart like mine? Lord soften up my heart so that I can pursue your glory unhindered! Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john
Acts 21:18-40
Why was Paul so bold? Now don't get me wrong. There were many times when Paul had exhibited great boldness. There were also times when he listened to the voice of discretion and bowed out of a city where he was about to be mobbed. After all, discretion is often the better part of valor. What good would it do to make a stink in Jerusalem? He had been warned time and again that he was going to be jailed and mistreated in Jerusalem. He still comes.
Yes Paul's ministry was to the Gentile, of but Romans 10:1 reveals the true heart of Paul, "Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved." This apparently was one last effort to bring the Gospel to his brethren. He had always laid down his rights to live as he wanted in order to reach the people group he was trying to reach. Now it is one last ditch effort to reach those of his brethren in Jerusalem who had not yet come to see the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. James has a reasonable plan, "Do something publicly that will demonstrate that you have not completely rejected Moses and the law, but only rejected using the law as a means of gaining the righteousness of God." The plan seemed to back fire. Paul was mobbed. The commander of the Roman cohort had to lead his troops into the mob to rescue Paul. That must have infuriated the mob--unclean Romans once again entering their temple environs.
How does one see the glory of Christ in this? James and the church leaders "glorified God" when they heard Paul's report on how the Gentiles had embraced the gospel. Jesus is also glorified when we see how He so changed the heart of Paul. Paul's greatest adversaries on his missionary journeys had been the Jewish people. Yes, he had plenty opposition among the Gentiles, especially in Ephesus. But, for the most part, His opposition was from those Jewish people who hated his message. If I had been Paul, I would have avoided the Jewish people like the plague. But he loved his brethren. He desired their salvation. That heart attitude was from the Lord Jesus. That makes the Lord glorious! He changes hearts and can change even mine! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor John
Monday, July 19, 2010
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