72The law of Your mouth is better to me Than thousands of coins of gold and silver. 75I know, O LORD, that Your judgments are right, And that in faithfulness You have afflicted me. 92Unless Your law had been my delight, I would then have perished in my affliction.When He becomes our delight, He becomes our hope and He enlightens our life (vs. 81 &105). That hope and enlightenment produces strength in adversity. Look at verses 61 &62: “The cords of the wicked have bound me, But I have not forgotten Your law. At midnight I will rise to give thanks to You, Because of Your righteous judgments.” While the New Testament writers did not interpret this as a reference to Paul and Silas in the Philippian jail, it sure is reminiscent of their experience. These two men were preaching the good news in Philippi and having great success. As a result of that success, they were beaten and thrown into the dungeon. Most people who would be beaten and imprisoned for exercising free speech would be rather depressed, but not Paul and Silas. Why? Because the law and the gospel was more than a concept for them. It was a relationship with the living God! It was a delight to enjoy His presence while they suffered! At midnight, bruised and bleeding, fastened by chains to the dungeon floor, they joyfully raised up songs of praise to the Lord Jesus Christ. Why? Because the law and the Gospel was the presence of Jesus Christ. His presence was delight! Often I think too little of my portion of the Lord. I trade His presence for the toys of this world. When will I ever learn? O Lord, teach me your judgments, knowledge and commandments for they are more than words on paper. They are what You are like. You are a delight! That is glory! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john * * ISAIAH 29 It is absolutely astonishing! The complexity of the DNA molecule is absolutely astonishing! I went on line to see if I could come up with a good illustration of that idea. As I began to read various scholarly articles, I began to see that I was completely out of my league. I am not illiterate, but I might as well have been as I read the various articles. I know enough from high school and college biology to understand the basic concepts about DNA, but I have not mastered the terminology. So, I as I read the articles I began to realize that I am not quite there, and it would take me a long time to really understand what I was reading. The articles might as well have been sealed to me. When it comes to the glory of God, people are the same way. His glory is all around us and is self-evident. To some it is as though they are illiterate. It is impossible to try to read it. To others it is like handing a book to them that is sealed; they have the ability to read, but cannot open the book. Both are in the same boat; the contents of the book are closed to them. A problem erupts when I seek to worship the Lord when I really have not seen His glory. Like an illiterate child who has heard the story read so many times that they can sit down and recite the book, but they really are not reading. So too are we when we choose to worship the Lord in the manner in which we choose rather than seeing His glory first and letting His glory impel us on. So was the problem with Israel in Isaiah’s day. They chose to bring their offerings and sacrifices before the Lord, but continued to live their lives as they pleased, rather than how the glory of God blew them. So too in the days of Jesus, the glory of the Lord should have blown them to honoring their parents, but the lure of following the Pharisaical practice of giving to the temple before meeting the needs of their parents invalidated the way God had instructed them to obey Him. Thus they were illiterate to the command to honor their parents in order to follow the established path of worship. Jesus quotes this passage to point out their illiterate spiritual hearts. They could not read how meeting their parents need first was a higher calling than giving to the temple treasury. It would seem that seeing the glory of God is linked to a willingness to obey. Without an unfettered willingness to obey, there is little hope of truly seeing the glory of God. We seem to have it turned around. We seem to want to tell the Lord how we should worship Him. Is it really wise for the clay to instruct the potter in the fine arts of pot making for the potter’s glory? God’s glory is all around me. Why should I ever have any compulsion to tell him how to construct my life? Should I not rather position myself so that I can hear his instruction on how He wants to construct my Life? Lord, help me to be open to you and your glory! Put together Your amazing spiritual DNA in me. Reproduce the life of Jesus in me! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john * * LUKE 20:27-47 The first funeral I presided over was for a lady, whom I had never met. I had no idea whether she was in heaven or hell. It was absolutely the worst situation in which I have ever preached a funeral. I was asked to preach it because our church had done a VBS that her grandchildren had come to. The next week she died. Neither the woman who died nor her son, the father of the children who came to VBS, had a church home. In talking with her son in preparation for the funeral, it was apparent that there was open hostility among extended family members. There was no grace in the home. It was a simple graveside ceremony. It was raining. The only ones who came were the dead woman's son, his wife and their daughters. I had asked the son what were some of the good memories he had of his mother. He had none. What do you say? A colleague of mine gave me the best advice I've ever received in conducting funerals. I've followed it ever since. He said, "You want to accomplish three things: 1) To remember together the life of the departed and in remembering, to honor them for the way that they loved each of those left behind. 2) To try to reach out to each other to comfort one another. 3) To prepare ourselves to pass through the portal of death. I did my best to accomplish those things at that funeral. Obviously, I had to focus on the last goal. I preached the gospel. Jesus is not the God of the dead but of the living, for all live to Him. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob call (present tense) Him Lord. David calls Him Lord. David called Him Lord when he, David, was living upon the earth. Yet, Jesus, the Messiah, is the Son of David. David still calls Him Lord. The glory of Jesus is that He had great glory before He added flesh to His person! In Him is life! His life is the light of men. What brings Him even greater glory is that He shares His life with us! He takes our deadness, which comes from our refusal to exalt His name over our own, and He raises those who place their trust in Him to new life! He has made it so simple and so easy for us to share in that life. He Himself said, "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." Life is abundant in Jesus. You cannot dwell in His presence and not come alive Yourself. Remember those Star Trek movies where they have the Genesis project? Spock is killed and given a 'burial' in the Genesis project. What happens? He comes back to life in the next movie. Nice science fiction, yes? But it is fiction. Jesus is the real Genesis. He is not fiction. He is real life. He who clings to Him, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Nothing can abide in His presence and not come to life! Now, that is good news, which is what gospel means. Even in the depths of the despair of death, at the worst funeral situation possible, there is hope. There is hope because of His glory--He is the God of the living! I wish I could tell you that the grieving family embraced the gospel. They did not. They continued in the bitterness death. They could have embraced joy of the life of Jesus. But their own pride was more important to them. So Jesus let them have their own pride. As far as I know, they are still embracing their pride and bitterness rather than the glory of Jesus and His ability to raise the dead. Don't be that way! Focus upon His glory, not your pride. If you do, it will make your funeral a time of rejoicing rather than bitterness. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
April 29
Monday, April 28, 2014
April 28
“For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.”And,
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”Do you ever wonder where the glory of Christ is in a particular passage? I mean, where is the glory of Christ in this law of jealousy? Maybe we could look at this passage this way. We the church are His bride. Is He ever jealous over His Bride? Is His bride faithful to Himself? His goal for us is to present us to Himself,
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.”Shakespeare and many other literary figures write of the cuckold. The cuckold is often the object of scorn of many literary works and of movies. If the church is to present the glory of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world, and we have made Him a cuckold, what glory is that? It is the opposite; there is only shame. Here in the Old Testament, we find a solution for a man to find out whether or not he was cuckold. If he brought the test upon the wife, and she was unfaithful, it brought sterility to the wife and death. If he brought the test upon the wife, and she was faithful, she would be protected and fruitful, and he would be instructed to trust her from then on. Hmmm. . . Jesus does not need to perform a test upon His bride to reveal her faithfulness. He knows all things. He knows our faithfulness or unfaithfulness. If we are sterile as a church, is that a problem with His potency or our faithfulness? Have we committed spiritual adultery? James 4:4 says, “Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” Maybe our sterility as a church is because we have failed the faithfulness test and we have made Him cuckold. God help us! His glory can only truly be revealed when we live in intimacy with only Him! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john * * PSALM 119:1-56 A few years ago when my granddaughter was born my son and daughter-in-law asked what I wanted my grandchildren to call me. I told them, “Grumps.” I thought it matched my mental state at times. From time-to-time if find myself getting rather dour. What causes that state, and how do I get out of it? I know what causes it. Usually it is because I think things are not going the direction that I would like them to go. It can be a variety of things. I suspect that you could identify a few points where the same thing begins to happen to you. My focus gets off of the Lord and on to my desires. I begin to get grumpy. When it happens, I almost feel like I need a cleansing. How can I, an old man, cleanse my way? It is the same way a young man cleanses his way, Verse nine says, “How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word.” One of His glories is that His word cleanses us. It can cleanse us of great moral failures and it can also cleanse us of the little things that nip at us and make us grumpy. When I ask Him, He will open my eyes to see the wondrous works of His hands. He uses His word and His Spirit to do it. He lifts me up! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john * * ISAIAH 28 Are you familiar with the geography of the land of Promise in relation to its symbols concerning our relationship with Him? The small area of Palestine is intensely varied in its geographic features. From north to south we begin at the foothills of Mt. Hermon. Mt. Hermon catches the prevailing weather patterns from the Mediterranean Sea forcing the moisture to drop to the ground before the weather patterns can move on East. The fault line that forms Mt. Hermon slopes on down through the middle of Palestine. Consequently, the west side of the fault line is full of green valleys and luxuriant fields until it runs below sea level. So from North to South and from West to East, we move from a luxuriant climate full of abundant growth to desert conditions where life is bleak, hard and difficult. It is interesting to make the corollary that a study of the spiritual life of the people in the north to the south would yield the general rule that as physical abundance was present, spiritual vitality tended to dry up as physical abundance dried up spiritual vitality tended to increase. He warned Israel of that problem:
So it shall be, when the LORD your God brings you into the land of which He swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build, 11 houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant—when you have eaten and are full— 12 then beware, lest you forget the LORD who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. Deut. 6:12Well, it happened. Samaria, the capital of Ephraim, sat on a hill shaped like a crown in a verdant valley of Israel. According to an article that I read in Biblical Archeology Review, Israel at that time was a major exporter of wine throughout the world. She had become intoxicated with her wealth and her wine. But he would not allow her to remain in her intoxication with the world—that is His glory. He sent His prophet to teach them precept upon precept. But they would not listen, but they just scornfully muttered it back to him. So He promises them they will hear the message again through stammering lips (the foreign language of the Assyrians). He offers them rest, but they refuse. The result? They are snared and caught in death. The apostle Paul interprets verse 11 to mean that the supernatural use of human tongues is a sign to unbelievers. He in effect is calling them unregenerate. They were part of His covenant family. But they were unregenerate. That is His glory. He will not allow His people to remain in the slop of the world. Lord, keep me out of the slop! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john * * LUKE 20:1-26 It was a question of authority. I was substitute teaching in a shop class. Because I was the Substitute and not trained in the safety procedures of operating the shop machines nor trained in supervising shop students, I was not allowed to operate the machines for a class. The teacher had left some book work for the students to do. That would have been fine, but during the 5th hour I could not even get the students to sit in their seats to take role to begin the class. I did not even know the names of the students who were giving me the problem. In everything I said, it was as though I was not even heard. They ignored me completely. Fortunately the class was equipped with an intercom system. I called the office. Eventually the principal arrived. Even he had a little difficulty getting them to take their seats. But they did. He had authority that I was unable to wield. I was supposed to have authority by virtue of my office. But that authority went unrecognized from the moment I stepped into the room. The students were only interested in their rights. They thought they had come to shop class to work at the machines not do books. I told the principle on my way home that day that I would not be substituting that class anymore. Jesus has all authority in heaven and earth. The chief priests, the scribes and the elders did not recognize Jesus' authority. They had no interest in yielding to Him. Jesus told them a parable about servants who reject proper authority. Then He ended with a quote from Psalm 118:22.
The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstoneI think it is interesting that when Jesus left the upper room after celebrating the last supper with the disciples, having finished the meal, they sang a hymn and left. The last hymn of the Seder is Psalm 118. Perhaps this was part of what they were singing as they exited to go to the Garden of Gethsemane. So where is the glory in this? Jesus does have all authority in heaven and earth. That is great glory. Why do we not submit to his authority? Probably because we think we can get away with not submitting, or we do not think that He has authority. Jesus having been rejected by the builders has become the chief cornerstone. When He returns in His glory, His authority will be visible. We will be submissive to His role call. He will bring judgment. Those who did not submit to His authority in this life will receive their final judgment. It will be glorious. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john
April 27
As each Levite had his assignment, just so, every Christian has a gift and a job God wants him to do. I believe God will reward you for doing what He wants you to do. We are not to do what we choose to do, but we are to exercise the gifts that He has given us.Let us make sure that we are doing the gift which He assigned to us. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john 9 McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. Nu 4:32 * * PSALM 118 Mercy! Many of us instinctively know that we are in need of it; the rest just lie to themselves. His mercy, once extended, endures forever, and the Psalmist knows it very well! He calls out to the Lord, “Save now, I pray, Oh Lord!” (v.25) (translates into ‘Hosanna!’) He knows that he lacks the righteousness to enter into the gates of the temple of the Lord. He stands before the gates and throws himself upon the mercy of the Lord. Oh Lord, save me! I don’t have the required righteousness to come through the gates into Your presence. But when does the plea for salvation come? After the stone which the builders rejected becomes the chief cornerstone. On Jesus’ triumphal entry the crowds and the children cried out, “Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” The stone presented Himself to the builders. They rejected Him. They bound the sacrifice (so to speak) to the horns of the altar. They crucified Him. God raised Him from the dead! That death and resurrection became the basis for mercy which pours out abundantly on those who will now kneel and plead for His mercy! He told us about it 1,000 years before it happened. Oh Lord, I receive Your mercy! Wow! Now that is glory. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john * * ISAIAH 27 Throughout the millennia, one of the arguments used by the unbeliever to justify his unbelief has been the argument of the lack of justice in this world. If God is so loving and powerful, why does he allow the innocent to suffer and the wicked to escape justice? A few of the assumptions behind this reasoning are that the world has always been this way, that justice must be meted out in this world to be just, that there is no coming justice in the next world, and that I am not guilty of anything worthy of being judged as severely as the things which I have judged. None of these assumptions are true. Nevertheless, most people hold to them quite severely. Today’s passage addresses the assumption that there is no coming justice in the next world. In that day the LORD with His severe sword, great and strong,
Will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan that twisted serpent;And He will slay the reptile that is in the sea. It seems consistent with Genesis and Revelation to interpret “Leviathan-serpent-twisted serpent-reptile” to be Satan, the author and perpetrator of evil upon God’s kingdom. That Jesus will slay him is a reference to the time when he will be judged and cast into the lake of fire. Along with the twisted serpent will go the twisted world system and all those who refused to bow the knee to the Lamb of Glory. Yes, there will be justice performed. To assume any lack of it is to assail the glory of our Lord. For millennia now, the Lord has been preparing His vineyard, restoring His Kingdom, calling out His people. He does it in the midst of injustice where His people are struck, He prepares us. But one day all His enemies will be struck and slain. We will see the glory of his work. In the midst of it, He will remove our own wickedness. Then one day it will be complete when He “slays the serpent.” In that day, the Millennial Kingdom, no one will live in a fortified city anymore because they will be unneeded. We will finally realize that all we need is Him. Now that is glory! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john * * LUKE 19:28-48 It was first grade, and my friend Jimmy had been sick for a while and had not been to school. I missed him and was hoping he would be there that day. The school bell rang signaling the start of class, and Jimmy hadn't shone up. A little while into class, the door opened, and Jimmy walked in. I was so surprised and excited that I blurted out very loudly, "Jimmy!" My teacher was not pleased to say the least. She rebuked me very sternly and asked why I did that. I didn't know how to answer, so I just shrugged my shoulders. Shrugging her shoulders, she sarcastically said, "What does that mean?" I was afraid to answer now, and I really did not understand why what I had done was so bad. She gave me a couple sentence lecture and then continued on with class. I understand now that, when you are trying to mass educate children, there is a certain decorum that you must keep to control your class; otherwise, things can get out of control. What I had done was not bad. It was just that if everybody responded that way, there would be chaos in the classroom. The herd mentality would be shattered. There might even be a stampede. There is a time for joyful shouts and a time for solemn silence. The same is true in worship. There is a time for joyful shouts and a time for solemn silence. Jesus was approaching Jerusalem on the Sunday before His crucifixion. He had carefully thought this through. He had prepared a colt to ride. Another Gospel tells us that He did this purposely in fulfillment of the 400-year-old prophecy of Zechariah 9:9. The people recognized the significance of it and were beginning to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. Here He is a man who has healed the sick, the blind, the dumb, the lame, set the demonized free, fed the multitudes and even raised the dead. He has taught with great authority and is now headed to Jerusalem on a donkey's colt, through the Eastern Gate! This is surely the promised deliverer! They began to sing part of the Hallel in praise of the Messiah. He is the Long-awaited One. The long separation is now coming to an end! It was a time for shouting and celebration! But there are always those who are concerned about shattering the herd mentality. They felt this was inappropriate. "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!" they called out. Oh no! They are out of control! They are expressing their great pleasure at the coming of the Messiah! But of course these Pharisees did not believe Jesus was the Messiah. So Jesus made a very wonderful statement, "I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out." The Creator of heaven and earth was in the flesh and in their midst! The sinfulness of human flesh hid that fact from human eyes but the rest of creation recognized it right away. Humans were created to praise and worship the Creator. We were created to cry out concerning the joy of His presence. The glory of our Creator is so great that if we should fail at our designed purpose, even the very non-sentient creation would take our place and fulfill our purpose because He is so worthy of honor and praise! A friend of mine used to have a rock under his communion table with a sign in front of it that said, "If you don't praise Him, I will!" Yes, there is a time for silence before our Creator. But there is also a time of wild exuberant shouts of joy in praise of His name at His coming! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john
Sunday, April 27, 2014
April 26
“10 So you shall appoint Aaron and his sons, and they shall attend to their priesthood; but the outsider who comes near shall be put to death. . . 12 Now behold, I Myself have taken the Levites from among the children of Israel instead of every firstborn who opens the womb among the children of Israel. Therefore the Levites shall be Mine.”Wow! Now that is extreme! Any outsider who comes near shall be put to death. Why? God’s purity is something He treasures highly! Since we are made in His image, our rejection of His holiness is extremely offensive to Him. Until that sin is taken care of, we are of great offense to Him! Yet, because we are made in His image, He loves us unconditionally. He desires us to be His. He desires to possess us. He chose the Levites and the sons of Aaron to be the ones who would ritually take away the sin of His people. He demands that purity and provides away to become pure. He jealously possesses His priests and servants. It is through them that He is able to come to His bride! Jesus has become the Great High Priest who takes away our sin. We have become with Him a priesthood of those who believe in Him. He jealously possesses us. He has said of you and me, “You are mine!” He calls us to bring others into this great love! Wow! What glory! Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john * * PSALM 116-117 He looked me in the eye and said, “I just want you to know that I don’t like the way you are treating my brother.” “How am I treating your brother?” I responded. His open palm went up and he declared, “Enough said!” He ignored my question, my voice, and stormed out of the building. Such a response can be expected out of an immature child, or even and immature adult, but not out of a man in his sixties who has spent the bulk of his life in ministry and is a trained psychologist. He ignored my voice. It did not endear me to him. Has your voice ever been ignored? The Psalmist says, “I love the Lord because He heard my voice.” If there is anyone in all of creation that I might expect to ignore my voice, perhaps it would be the Creator. After all as I look at the vastness of His creation and its overpowering complexity, I am convinced of my smallness! Why should He listen to me? Not only am I such a small thing in His finite creation, but He has a reason to be mad at me. I have rebelled against His authority and sinned against Him. According to His own justice, I deserve death. The Psalmist cries out to the Lord as he is about to die. The Lord heard his voice and delivered him. I have called out to the Lord; He has delivered me from death and from the power of sin. Sin no longer has dominion over me. I will take that cup of salvation. It enables me to live victoriously over sin in this life. I can live this life in victory because He has heard my voice. I can call on His name and because He hears my voice, I can expect power to live victoriously. It endears me to Him. I love Him for it. My death is precious in His sight. Physically I think that means that if I am walking with Him, my death is a valuable thing to Him. It will come neither before nor after the appropriate time. Spiritually, He desires the death of my old nature. It is precious to Him so that He can raise me to walk in newness of life. This infinite God desires to hear my voice. He desires to hear me call out to Him so that He might deliver me from and through death. Wow! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john
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In 2007 I was blessed to be able to spend a dream vacation with my family in Germany. The first castle which we visited was Rheinfels on the Rhine River which was still fabulous even in its ruins. For centuries it was the stronghold for the area and was never defeated. The outer courtyards were laced with underground tunnels as part of its defense. The idea was that once an invading army had breached the outer wall, the defenders could purposely fall back and let the army fill the outer courtyards to begin their work of trying to breach the next wall. When the defenders felt that a major part of the army had entered the courtyards, they could collapse the underground tunnels below the invaders and kill most of the army above. The castle was never taken until the French revolutionary army took it in 1794. It was surrendered without a fight and the army blasted it to pieces with their cannons which could penetrate stone walls. Until then, the city had been a source of peace for those who sought refuge there.
The song begun in Isaiah chapter 25 continues in chapter 26. The Lord is the strong city, castle, who protects His inhabitants. His walls are impenetrable and unscaleable. After years of ministry as a pastor, I am convinced that every person struggles with some kind of addiction that masters each one of us. For some that addiction is more recognizable to others because of how it destroys one’s life. If the master becomes destructive enough, we (as individuals in a culture) may retreat to different methods to find relief from those masters. It might be a twelve step method, counseling, a treatment center, self-help books, religion (anything from eastern mysticism, Islam, Judaism, to Christianity). It could be a retreat into a grab for power, wealth or pleasure. These all become masters over us which ultimately bring death and which cannot rescue us from ourselves or the destructive forces which come against us. There is only one person, one name, Jesus, who can deliver us.
Ultimately only He can deliver because we were made for Him. If we seek deliverance anywhere else, we incur His wrath. He lets us go to that for which we desire. Because what we desire is not infinite, it ultimately fails. Eventually the cannons of time blast the walls of our self-made fortresses and the masters which rule over us, and we are destroyed. But unlike those walls, He is a fortress to which we can run which cannot be destroyed, even by His own wrath. The result is that if we voluntarily leave our old masters and surrender to Him, He joyfully receives us to Himself and welcomes us into the interior court of His castle. The result is peace for those who have entered in. The key is simply surrendering all, being willing to let Him take all not just the select things we want to give Him. He will keep us in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon Him. Now that is glory! Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today!
--Pastor john
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LUKE 19:11-27
Once, I misplaced my cell phone. I couldn't find it anywhere. I remembered having it when I bought my lunch at Wal*Mart. But when it came time to go home, I couldn't find it anywhere. I remembered having left it on. So, I called the number from my office phone. I couldn't hear it ringing anywhere. I thought it might be out in the van. I called the number again as I walked out to the van to hear it ringing. I couldn't hear it. I had that sinking feeling that I must have laid it down somewhere at Wal*Mart or the bank, which meant, there is a good possibility that it is gone for good. Traveling home, I reported my loss to Laura. She said, "Are you sure it’s not in the van?" I decided to check the van one more time. There it was. It apparently had fallen out of my pocket down into the step inside the door. I wonder why I couldn't hear it ring. I was delighted to find my lost phone. Jesus delights in finding those who are lost. Walking underneath the tree of Zacchaeus, with great joy He looked up and said, "Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house!" Zacchaeus became a new man because of that encounter. His life was filled with a new righteous lifestyle. Jesus delights in making our lives ring with righteousness. When others hear the ring in us, some of them are also drawn to Him, and He finds other lost ones. Zacchaeus was one of those that He found and made him to ring with righteousness. The ringing of the new righteousness of Zacchaeus brought others to the Lord. Jesus delights in having gone to receive a kingdom. What are the basic elements of a kingdom? There are three, a king, a realm and subjects of the realm. Jesus is the King of kings. Jesus has the power to take the realm anytime that He wants to take it. Currently it is His glory to find those lost ones through us, causing us to ring with His righteousness. We are the way that He calls lost ones in order to find them. Are we letting Him ring through us so that He may call others? That is part of His glory. He makes His glory to ring through us in order to draw others. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john
Friday, April 25, 2014
April 25
Thursday, April 24, 2014
April 24
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
April 23
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
April 22
Monday, April 21, 2014
April 21
You load sixteen tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. Saint Peter, don’t you call me, ’cause I can’t go; I owe my soul to the company store. According to Merle Travis, the line from the chorus “another day older and deeper in debt” was a phrase often used by his father, a coal miner himself. This and the line “I owe my soul to the company store” is a reference to the truck system and to debt bondage. Under this system workers were not paid cash; rather they were paid with unexchangeable credit vouchers for goods at the company store, usually referred to as scrip. This made it impossible for workers to store up cash savings. Workers also usually lived in company-owned dormitories or houses, the rent for which was automatically deducted from their pay. In the United States the truck system and associated debt bondage persisted until the strikes of the newly-formed United Mine Workers and affiliated unions forced an end to such practices.8The word Sabbath means seven. We associate it with rest. God built into His calendar many different times and ways for us to obtain rest. He gave the seventh day as a rest from our work so that we may focus upon Him. He gave the completion of seven weeks from firstfruits as a festival to commemorate the beginning of the church. He gave the seventh month of the Jewish year for three different Sabbaths. He gave the seventh year as a year of rest for the land. He gave the year following the seventh Sabbatical year as a year of economic rest. This fiftieth year is called the year of jubilee. Have you ever heard the old saying, “It takes money to make money?” Well there is a lot of truth to that statement. And when people run into rough financial times, whether through mismanagement or no fault of their own, it is the people who have equity that benefit. They gain the wealth of those with the problems. So how do you bring equity to the situation for the person with no fault? When there is fault, shouldn’t there be room for forgiveness? The principles involved in the year of Jubilee allowed for equity and forgiveness. It allowed for adjustments to be made within the society so that the gap between the super rich and the super poor could be closed. Not only was it practical for the economy, but it also is a picture of our freedom and rest that we receive in Christ. It’s a picture of our forgiveness, which leads to release from bondage. Work as we might there remains a rest for the people of God. We were in bondage to sin. Work as we might we could not earn enough to deliver us from bondage. Whether it is from what we inherited from our father Adam or whether we agreed with his sin by willingly committing it ourselves, we were in bondage. It is the glory of our Lord that He delivered us. He brought us rest. He is our year of Jubilee! Indeed we serve a glorious King. Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john 8 Wikipedia contributors. “Sixteen Tons.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 20 Apr. 2010. Web. 21 Apr. 2010. * * PSALM 111 Five times in this Psalm (NKJV) the word ‘work’ or ‘works’ is used. Out of ten verses, that is every other verse. They are described as great, honorable, glorious, wonderful and powerful. The result of His work is verity and justice. It is said that His works are studied by all who have pleasure in them. The converse of that is that if I do not study His works then I do not take pleasure in them. Makes sense. I mean; I don’t study something unless I enjoy it, or I have to study it because I am in school or my job requires it. Do I have pleasure in the works of the Lord? Certainly I enjoy His creative works. They never cease to amaze me. Truly they can be called great, honorable, glorious, wonderful and powerful. The way He works with His people is also of great interest. When I reflect upon the way He has worked with me I understand that He is full of grace and compassion. But you know, unless I actively call them to mind, I tend to focus on negative things and pain. I guess that is why I need to meditate on His glory. It is necessary for my wellbeing. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john * * ISAIAH 21 Establihed in 1922 the USSR was dissolved in 1991. The USSR lasted 69 years. During that time Russian expatriates spread throughout the different countries of the USSR. The intermixing of former Russian people in the Ukraine seems to give Putin some verbiage in laying claim upon the Ukraine. The USA’s recent decline in military strength have emboldened Putin. Today, Russia is poised to continue its plunder of the Ukraine. Longstanding claims of ownership cloud the murky waters of détente. It is nothing new on the world scene. The number of years which can be counted in history in which there is no record of one nation assaulting another are indeed few. Once again the prophet describes the downfall of Babylon which will one day destroy the nation of Israel. Babylon the oppressor will be destroyed by its neighbors Elam and Media. What will happen to the captives of Babylon when Babylon is destroyed? After all, after 70 years as captives in a foreign land, the lines of who belongs as citizens of what country become very blurred. How will the invaders treat 70-year captives? (Sound familiar?) The Lord wants the captives to know that in a situation of intense insecurity that He knows what is happening and He is guiding the course of human history. The prophecy is given 170 years before it happens for the encouragement of the captives who will be in a very volatile situation. Now that is amazing! What would we say to believers in Ukraine who are looking at the continued possibility of Russia invading their country? I don’t pretend to know the right way for my country to respond to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but I do know that Russia is in a very precarious situation before the Judge of all the Earth, for He will hold Russia accountable for its actions. Putin should beware for the Judge of all the Earth will do right! To the believers in the Ukraine, I would say, “Hang in there. God is guiding history. He will use this for His glory. Trust Him for the increase of the Kingdom of God in the midst of war! Through many trials and tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God!” Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john * * LUKE 16 Okay, I admit it. I enjoy listening to Hank the Cow Dog. When my kids were little (before personal DVD players), we learned that listening to stories made traveling in the car so much easier. If you have never heard a Hank the Cow Dog book, you ought to try one. But be careful, you might get hooked like me. Hank has a book called The Incredible Priceless Corn Cob. The whole basis for the book is Hank's inability to determine what is truly valuable. Pete the barn cat tricks Hank into believing that the corn cobs from the table scraps are more valuable than the meat scraps. Of course this sets the stage for much of the conflict of the episode. It also is a platform to humorously reveal Hank's pride. It is amusing to me because not only is it so much like dogs, but it is also so much like humans. The Pharisees really loved money and the things it could buy. (It sounds just like Americans, doesn't it?) As a result, they made fun of Jesus' parable of the unjust steward and His statement that you cannot serve God and money. Jesus responds with, "What is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God." What we highly esteem is really an incredible priceless corn cob. And we are not just talking about money or the things it can buy. If that were the case, we would be satisfied with daily bread, shelter to be warm in the winter and out of the sun in the summer, safety from predators and with modest clothing to cover our bodies. But we are not satisfied with rudimentary provision. We always want more, something just a little nicer or bigger or better or newer. WHY? We have bought the lie that our identity is derived from what we possess or accomplish. If I live in a certain type of house, I am someone. If I drive a certain type of car, I am somebody. If I dress in certain kinds of clothes people will notice me. If I have a beautiful woman (or women), then I am a real man. If I have power to influence people, then I am eternal. If I am used of God to build a big church, then I am something. If I don't have that house, I am nothing. If I cannot drive that car, I am nobody. If clothes don't look right, I am embarrassed. If cannot influence people, I am just a bump in the road. If my church fails, I am useless and of no value. So thought the rich man and so think we. It is an incredible priceless corn cob. I wonder, is God ever amused with our valuing corn cobs? BUT, our identity is not derived from those things. We are created in His image. Our identity is derived from Him. That is why His glory is so important. As the moon cannot produce light from itself, we cannot primarily find our identity from each other but from Him. Yes, we are created in community to reflect His image, but our identity is found first in Him then in relation to each other. He must be exalted first. It is His glory that must first shine. Otherwise we are nothing but corn cobs--I've heard that they had a rather inglorious purpose before toilet paper. Indeed we serve a glorious King! Speak His glory to someone today! --Pastor john
Sunday, April 20, 2014
April 20
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